Shakespeare and The English Canon: History, Criticism, Translation
This research group is located at the University of Porto and belongs to CETAPS (Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies), a centre committed to the study of the cultures and literatures of the English language. The group carries on and extends the activity of a former team dedicated to producing a complete Portuguese translation of Shakespeare’s plays.
Literary translation is the foundational and integrative concern of this group, as proved not only by its track record in Shakespeare translation (nineteen plays published so far) but also by a commitment to translation criticism.
Beyond this founding matrix, the group also engages in literary and cultural studies, with an emphasis on English studies and reception studies. This combination of interests involves an attempted balance between a focus on the canon and a commitment to producing and studying texts traditionally construed as secondary or derivative – i.e., translations.
Version / Subversion II: The canon reloaded? Translation and its discontents
an international conference on literary translation
13-15 October 2022
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Loredana Polezzi (Stony Brook Univ.)
Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin)
This conference aims to contribute to ongoing debates in the field of Translation Studies (TS), with a particular but not exclusive focus on literary translation – both as a practice and as an object of scholarly inquiry. It confirms a critical engagement with canon and canonicity that has been a defining concern at CETAPS (the research unit behind this initiative), as shown by our first ‘Version / Subversion’ conference ( ).
Version / Subversion II will extend this concern in the direction of areas of TS that have recently enjoyed a renewed and reconfigured attention – such as gender, identities and multimodality.
The organisers will welcome proposals for 20-minute papers in English.
Suggested (merely indicative) topics include:
- translation and the literary canon: enablement and contestation
- translation and multimodality
- translation and aesthetic legitimation: the arts, rhetoric and aesthetics
- translation, gender and genres
- translation and text types: discriminations, hierarchies
- translation and discourse(s): science vs the humanities
- translation and academic power: institutional and scholarly dynamics
- key concepts in Translation Studies: in the wake of ‘manipulation’, ‘refraction’, ‘norms’,…
- translation and literary criticism: mutualities and discontinuities
Submissions should be sent by email to
Please include the following information with your proposal:
- the full title of your paper;
- a 250-300 word description of your paper;
- your name, postal address and e-mail address;
- your institutional affiliation and position;
- a short bionote;
- AV requirements (if any)
Please note: participants may also want to propose their own thematic panels, to include papers delivered by 3 or 4 participants. Panel convenors should submit their proposal in broad observance of the criteria itemised above for individual proposals.
Deadline for proposals: 15 July 2022
Notification of acceptance: 31 July 2022
Deadline for registration: 23 September 2022
Registration Fee: 80 Euros
Student fee: 60 Euros
Registration details will be posted online in July 2022
All delegates are responsible for their own travel arrangements and accommodation. Relevant information will be provided later on the conference website –
Organised by
Shakespeare and the English Canon: History, Criticism, Translation
Executive Committee:
Fátima Vieira
Gualter Cunha
Nuno Ribeiro
Jorge Almeida e Pinho
Rui Carvalho Homem
For further queries please contact:
CETAPS – Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 PORTO
Phone / Fax: +351-22-6077183
Supported by FCT
Shakespeare Translation Project
The publication of the whole collection of the translations of Shakespeare’s dramatic works is a work in progress. For 2022-23 the publication of the following translations is expected: Júlio César (Maria de Fátima Vieira), Henrique VI, Parte I (Maria Cândida Zamith); Henrique VI, Parte II (Rui
Carvalho Homem); Henrique VI, Parte III (Miguel Ramalhete Gomes); Os Dois Fidalgos de Verona (Manuel Gomes da Torre); Coriolano (Gualter Cunha); Otelo (Rui Carvalho Homem); As Alegres Comadres de Windsor (Jorge Almeida e Pinho).