Márcia Lemos

Márcia Lemos is a member of CETAPS since 2008. She holds a BA in Modern Languages and Literatures (2005, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto | FLUP) and an MA in Anglo-American Studies (2008, FLUP). In 2014, she finished, also at FLUP, her Ph.D. project, a comparative study of Joyce’s Finnegans Wake and Beckett’s Murphy, on a state-funded merit scholarship granted by the Foundation for Science and Technology. She has presented papers in several national and international conferences, and published in different magazines and scholarly journals, as well as in  international collective volumes. She is Executive Editor of Via Panoramica: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / A Journal of Anglo- American Studies (https://ojs.letras.up.pt/) since 2019 and she edited the international collection Literature Against Paralysis in Joyce and His Counterparts: The Other Dubliners (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), in 2022. She also coedited Literature and the Arts since the 1960s: Protest, Identity and the Imagination (CSP, 2020), with Jorge Almeida e Pinho, and Exchanges between Literature and Science from the 1800s to the 2000s: Converging Realms (CSP, 2017), with Miguel Ramalhete Gomes. She is currently Adjunct Professor at ISAG – European Business School where she also coordinates the Scientific Area of Modern Languages and the Bachelor Degree in Business Relations.
