Lyman T. Sargent Bibliography
Welcome to the ARUS Digital Repository of the University of Porto.
Lyman Tower Sargent Bibliography
With over 19,000 entries compiled by Lyman Tower Sargent, the database hosted by the ARUS Digital Repository of the University of Porto. already is the major resource of critical bibliography on utopia, but we expect it to grow with your contribution. Our aim is to have a complete list of critical sources in any language, add digital objects such as abstracts and full texts, and make the database fully searchable by subject.
If you are the author of any of the titles listed on the database, please send the abstract of your work along with up to five keywords to
If you have new titles to add, please fill in one of the forms below. We would also be grateful if you could provide us with the pertinent abstracts.
We need help with the creation of keywords and abstracts for the existing entries. Volunteers contributing with a significant number of references will be fully credited as contributing editors.
If you have a new reference to be included in the database, please follow one of the links below. Please note that we have different links for different types of publications:
1) Books
4) Entries in books of abstracts
5) Academic works (MA.s, Ph.D.s, and academic reports)
We expect this database to grow with the help of academics and researchers of the field of utopian studies, so that we may offer a complete list of critical resources in any language. If you want to be a contributing editor for your country, please contact Fátima Vieira (
DSpace Platform Coordination and Management
Luciano Moreira (Coordinator and manager)
Neuza Santos (Co-manager)
Technical Contributors (insertion of references)
Maria Nunes
João Fernandes
Rita Fontelo
Evan Chernicky
Ilaria Arena
Dóra Kelemen
Kristin Hansen
Paolo Chelo
Keep Solutions
Former contributions
João Rocha Silva (DSpace Platform Programmer and Chief Manager)
Sérgio Jesus (former co-manager)