Welcome to the Centre for English, Translation, and Anglo-Portuguese Studies
O site do CETAPS foi vítima de um ataque cibernético violento que afetou a sua estrutura e todas as suas páginas. Estamos a envidar esforços para recuperar a informação afetada a fim de a podermos disponibilizar o mais rapidamente possível.
Contacte-nos para cetaps@fcsh.unl.pt caso preciso de alguma informação.
Our website was the victim of a violent cyber-attack that affected its structure and all its pages. We are making every effort to recover the information that was affected by the attack and make it available as soon as possible.
Please get in touch with us at cetaps@fcsh.unl.pt if you need any information.
Relational Forms: Medial and Textual Transits in Ireland and Britain
Coordinator: Rui Carvalho Homem
Research Strands
Orientalism and Anglo-Portuguese (Post-)Colonial Relations
- Linked to Anglo-Portuguese Studies
- Convener: Rogério Miguel Puga
Culture, Science and the Media
- Linked to Anglophone Cultures and History
- Convener: Gabriela Gândara Terenas
Intercultural studies in second language education
- Linked to Translation, Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies
- Convener: Ana Matos
Teacher education and curriculum studies in second language education
- Linked to Translation, Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies
- Convener: Sandie Mourão
- Linked to Translation, Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies
- Convener: Karen Bennett
II Lisbon Spring School in Translation Studies
Via Panorâmica - Summer Issue 2024
Digital Humanities Looking at the World: Exploring Innovative Approaches and Contributions to Society
Luciano Moreira and Maria Zulmira Castanheira contributed with an article titled: “Mapping Travel Writing: A Critical Digital Humanities Perspective”
Estudos sobre Didática e Formação de Professores
Publicado em Lisboa e em São Paulo pela Lisbon International Press, este novo livro do Professor Carlos Ceia reúne estudos que resultaram de conferências, comunicações, artigos científicos, textos de opinião e intervenções públicas sobre educação, didáctica das línguas e da literatura e formação de professores.
To the Farthest Gulf for the Wealth of India: Representações de Macau no Peabody Essex Museum (Salem)
Language Dynamics in the Early Modern Period
Upcoming Events
Our SCOPUS Journals

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University of Lisbon – Campus de Campolide – Colégio Almada Negreiros (CAN)
1099-088 Lisboa – PORTUGAL
Email: cetaps@fcsh.unl.pt
Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto – PORTUGAL
Email: cetaps@letras.up.pt