Maria Teresa Castilho

Maria Teresa Lobo Castilho obtained her PhD in American Literature in 1996, with a dissertation entitled Visões do Sul na Ficção Longa de Eudora Welty: “Outra (?) Terra, Outra (?) Literatura. She is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto. She is a full member of CETAPS (Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies), she collaborates with ULICES (University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies) and she is Chair of APEAA (Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo Americanos) General Assembly Border. Maria Teresa Castilho has published essays on American Literature and Culture, Southern Studies, Utopian Studies and Film Studies, and more recently on Food Studies.


Recent publications include:

Castilho, Maria Teresa (FLUP) “Utopía y poder en Estados Unidos: de la ansiedad utópica a la ideología del poder en los Estados Unidos”  Utopía y poder en Europa y América. Ed. Moisés González García and Rafael Herrera Guillén. Madrid: Tecnos Editorial pp. 251-268, 2015

Castilho, Maria Teresa (FLUP) “Eating is an Agricultural Act: longing for the good life” Cadernos de Literatura Comparada, nº 36, p.: 85 – 96, 2017

Castilho, Maria Teresa (FLUP) John T. Edge, Elizabeth Engelhardt & Ted Ownby (eds.), The Larder: Food Studies Methods from the American South, Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2013 : Recensão. Cadernos de Literatura Comparada, nº 36, p.: 289 – 292, 2017

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “Going Back to the Past to Dream of the Future in Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris and in Spielberg’s Lincoln.” Anglo-Saxónia 3.7 (2014). 175-86.   

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “O Lugar dos ‘Agrários’ no lugar de Welty em Delta Wedding.” Via Panorâmica3.2 (2013): 48-57.

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “How Welty Doesn’t Crusade.” Anglo-Saxónia 3.5 (2013): 19-34.

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Looking for America.” Spaces of Utopia 2.2 (2013): 61-7.

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “The Southern Agrarians and Utopia.” Via Panorâmica special issue (2012): 45-55.

Castilho, Maria Teresa. Review of Anna L. Peterson’s Seeds of the Kingdom: Utopian Communities in the AmericasUtopian Studies 21.2 (2010): 372-4.  

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “The Southern Agrarians: Utopian versus Industrial.” Utopia e Ciência. L. Martins, ed. Ribeirão: Edições Húmus, 2009. 127-37.

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “Utopianism in The Scarlet Letter.” Nowhere Somewhere: Writing, Space and the Construction of Utopia. J. R. Reis and J. Silva, eds. Porto: Editora Universidade do Porto, 2006. 109-17.

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “Delta Wedding: the return of Laura to Jackson.” Via Panorâmica 2 (2005): 7-21.

Castilho, Maria Teresa. “The Robber Bridegroom: um conto de fadas sulista.” Revista da FLUP: Estudos(2001): 127-39.