Seminário JRAAS – Capítulo II – Miguel Ramalhete Gomes
One of the activities that JRAAS (Junior Researchers in Anglo-American Studies) is organizing is a set of seminars with free entrance, in which a speaker/guest delivers a paper, followed by a debate with the academic community. The aim is to stimulate the students on the anglo-american cultural and literary areas and offer a place for intellectual engagement.
In “Capítulo II”, Miguel Ramalhete Gomes delivered a paper intitled “The ‘pastness of the past’ and its present: Presentism and beyond universals, from Bob Dylan to Shakespeare”, concentrating on the most recent attribution of the Nobel Prize for Literature to Bob Dylan, the link between music and literature, and also about the topic of Presentism and Shakespeare.
This is a brief recording of the paper.
18 de outubro de 2016, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
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