Teresa Maló Sequeira

Teresa Maló Sequeira has a PhD and MA in Linguistics – Psycholinguistics, by School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon. Her doctorate, obtained in 2016, investigated the “Cognitive processing of non-linguistic mechanisms in early language acquisition: – the speech-gesture integrated system”. She obtained the title of specialist in Education – Portuguese Teaching, in 2023.
She is an invited lecturer at the School of Education and Communication of the University of Algarve, scientific area of Languages, Literatures and Didactics. She is a teacher of Portuguese in Teacher Training courses (undergraduate and master degrees) and has experience in teaching Portuguese and English in basic education.
Currently, she is the Director of the Master’s Degree in Teaching Portuguese and English in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. She is also author of books and teaching materials for children with reading and writing difficulties.
Her areas of interest include teaching and learning Portuguese as a first and second language, as well as the development of resources for classroom language teaching in basic education (ORCID – 0000-0001-8103-3805).



  • Researcheron a three-year research project investigating teacher education and classroom-based assessment practices, ‘Transforming assessment mindsets: Professional development through a blended MOOC’ (TAM-bMOOC Project) in collaboration with Universidade Aberta, Portugal. [Funded through CETAPS, UIDB/04097/2020]
  • Researcher on a two-year research international project, ‘Reinventing Mainstream Classrooms (RE.MA.C.)’ 2022-1-CY01-KA220-HED-000088107, Erasmus+ Project.
  • Researcher on a three-year research project ‘Escola Aprender+ Innovative Learning Environments, for Educators and Teachers of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, FCT Project with the Municipality of Lagoa- Algarve, coordinated by Professor Mauro Figueiredo, University of Algarve, 10PS00011.



Nascimento, J., Luísa, C. & Sequeira, T. (2024). A Prática de Mindfulness no Desenvolvimento Pessoal dos Jovens: Uma Experiência no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. In M.J. Cardona & E. Linhares (Coord.). Práticas investigativas na formação inicial de professores e educadores, 165-183. Instituto Politécnico de Santarém/ESE. ISBN: 978-989-35287-5-4.

Dionísio, C., Sequeira, T. & Silva, C. (2023). A Metodologia de Projeto como promotora da articulação entre áreas do saber: Um estudo com crianças em idade pré-escolar. In P. Pequito, A. Ferreira, A. Pinheiro, D. Gonçalves, D. Assemany, E. Sanchez & M. J. Víton (Org.). Atas do II Congresso Internacional do Observatório para o Futuro da Educação de Infância, 43-50. Escola Superior Educação Paula Frassinetti. ISBN: 978-989-5338.

Orega, M.I., Durão, R. & Sequeira, T. (2022). Audiobooks as resources for language teaching. In B. Cortina-Perez, A. Andúgar, A. Álvarez, S. Corral, N. Martínez & A. Otto (Coord.). Addressing future challenges in early language learning and multilingual education, 267-272, Dykinson. ISBN: 978-84-1122-802-2.

Sequeira, T. (2019). “Speech-gesture relation in Early Language Acquisition in European Portuguese Children”, In I. Galhano-Rodrigues, E. Galvão & A. Cruz-Santos (Eds.). Recent Perspectives on Gesture and Multimodality, 136-146, Cambridge:  Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-5275-3536-3; ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-3536-7.