Nicolas Hurst

Nicolas Hurst (PhD)

Department of Anglo-American Studies (FLUP).

Since 1989, a lecturer in English Language, Linguistics, Culture and ELT Methodology at the Faculty of Letters, University of Porto. Full-time teaching at various levels; currently responsible for the delivery of general English courses to first year undergraduates and additional responsibilities related to post-graduate teacher education courses and practicum supervision. Regular presenter at local and international ELT-related conferences. Numerous articles/chapters published in the UK, the USA, Germany, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and Portugal. Defended his doctoral thesis in March 2014 under the title: Cultural Representation in Portuguese –Produced ELT Coursebooks (1981-2006).


Five recent international publications:

Hurst, Nicolas. “Core Concerns: Cultural Representation in English Language Teaching Coursebooks.”Language Learning, Discourse and Communication. W. Szubko-Sitarek et al., eds. Second Language Learning and Teaching series. Zurich: Springer International Publishing, 2014. 47-62.

Hurst, Nicolas. “Leaving the NEST: language teachers going glocal.” The Teacher 79.5 (2010).

Hurst, Nicolas. “Making grammar make sense: Nothing is impossible.” Estudos de Metodología de la Lengua Inglesa (V). L. Perez Ruiz, I. Parrado Roman and P. Tabarés Pérez, eds. Universidad de Valladolid Publicacíons/Centro Buendía, 2010.

Hurst, Nicolas. “Taste and Tradition in Contemporary British Televised Comedy.”  Hard Times 84 (2008).

Hurst, Nicolas. “The Hidden Curriculum: issues and angst about cultural content in ELT materials.”Estudos de Metodología de la Lengua Inglesa (IV). L. Perez Ruiz, I. Pizarro Sanchez and E. Gonzalez Cascos, eds. Universidad de Valladolid Publicacíons / Centro Buendía, 2008.


Five recent publications in Portugal:

Hurst, Nicolas. “Visual representations in Portuguese produced ELT coursebooks.”  Linguarum Arena 5 (2014): 21-30.

Hurst, Nicolas and Diana Sousa. “Weighing the anchor: a critical approach to coursebook selection.”The APPI Journal 11.1 (2011).

Hurst, Nicolas. “A quadratura do círculo: As práticas atuais na observação e avaliação dos professores estagários de Língua Inglesa na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.” Supervisão Pedagógica e Educação em Línguas. Rosa Bizarro and Maria Alfreda Moreira, org.  Mangualde: Edições Pedago, 2010.

Hurst, Nicolas. “Revival and renewal in ELT approaches to grammar.” E-TEALS 1 (2010).

Hurst, Nicolas and Vanessa Reis. “Varieties of English: South African English.” The APPI Journal 9.2 (2009).