Newsletter 69
Aug 2023 | Uncategorized
Portuguese Initiatives
Calls for Papers
A PhD Grant to be offered in the Translation Studies through CETAPS – FCSH. The candidates must be registered on a relevant PhD programme at the time of the application. Details of the application will be announced soon.
Course: “Opção livre” course on “Machine translation literacy for high-risk scenarios” at NOVA FCSH. The course will take place between September and December 2023, and it will include participation in an ongoing research project on machine translation. PhD students from all universities are welcome to apply. The course is aimed at (future) professionals on the frontline of contact with migrants in different areas and levels of communication. The course will also be of interest to migrants who do not fully master the official language of the country they reside in, as well as (future) translators and experts in (machine) translation.Enrollment fees:NOVA FCSH students: for free; Students from other universities: 250 EUR. More information via; and here.
Translation Matters, special issue on Experiential Translation, Vol. 5 (1), 2023 – now out!
International Conference: 14-16 December 2023. Epistemic Translation: Towards an Ecology of Knowledges. Nova University of Lisbon. This interdisciplinary conference, organized within the ambit of the EPISTRAN project, investigates the semiotic processes (verbal and nonverbal) involved in the transfer of information between different ‘epistemic systems’. Its focus are the transactions occurring between western science (the hegemonic knowledge of the globalized world, which purports to be objective, rational, and universal) and the various embedded, embodied and subjective forms of knowledge that have served as its Others in different times and places. Proposals for 20-minute papers (<250 words) should be sent by 1 October 2023 to, accompanied by a short biosketch (<150 words). Results of the selection process will be announced by 1st November.
International Conference: 09-10 November 2023. Touring Travel Writing III: Between Fact and Fiction. NOVA FCSH, Colégio Almada Negreiros. Proposals are accepted for the theme “Travel writing in/as translation”. Please send a 300-word abstract, as well as a short biographical note (100 words), by September 30th, to: For further queries please contact: or or
Journal: Special issue on Semantics and Meaning Representation, Languages. Special issue editors are Rute Costa and Raquel Amaro. Deadline for manuscripts: 15 November 2023.
Spring Virtual Visit to European Commission, Directorate-General for Translation. The aim of these virtual events is to bring together master students in translation and translators working for the European Commission to offer a sneak peek into the work of DGT. Autumn virtual visit: 24 November 2023.
Conference: 11-13 October 2023. Rewind and Fast Forward: Past, Present and Future Scenarios in Audiovisual Translation. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Deadline for proposals: 20 August 2023.
Conference: 22 March 2024. Writers’ Tongues: Shaping Literary Selves in Eighteenth-Century Multilingual Europe, KU Leuven. Deadline for proposals: 15 September 2023.
Conference: 9-10 November 2023. Nothing Happened: Translation Studies before James Holmes. University College London, UK. Deadline for proposals: 15 September 2023.
Conference: 6-8 November 2023. 3rd International Conference – Translation and the Language of Tourism. University of Córdoba, Spain. Deadline for proposals: 01 October 2023.
Conference: 5-7 April 2024. ATISA XI Conference, Trajectories of translation and interpreting studies: Between the digital and the post national. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Deadline for submissions: 15 October 2023
Online Conference: 2-3 November 2023. 3rd International Congress of Language and Translation Studies. Selçuk University, Konya, Türkiye. Deadline for proposals: 09 October 2023.
Conference: 17-19 April 2024. 2nd International Conference Translation and Cultural Sustainability: Challenges and New Avenues. University of Salamanca, Spain. Deadline for proposals: 31 October 2023.
Conference: 22–23 August 2024. New Voices in Children’s Literature in Translation: Culture, Power and Transnational Approaches. Stockholm (Sweden). Deadline for abstract: 30 November 2023.
Conference: 26-28 June 2024. 5th East Asian Translation Studies Conference. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Deadline for abstracts: 06 November 2023.
Journal: Special issue of Translation in Society on Round trips wanted! Travelling concepts between Translation Studies and the Social Sciences, and beyond. Guest editor: Cornelia Zwischenberger. Deadline for abstracts: 31 August 2023
Journal: Special issue of International Journal of Law, Language, and Discourse: Benefits and Drawbacks of Plain Legal English. Editors: Patrizia Giampieri & Vanessa Leonardi. Deadline for abstracts: 1 September 2023
Journal: Special issue of Perspectives on Turning the Page. Para-Literary Translation in Periodicals. Eds: Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar, Brecht de Groote, & Gaëtan Regniers. Deadline for abstracts: 1 September 2023
Journal: Special issue of Estudios de Traducción on Retóricas en los géneros religiosos: traducción y discurso. Guest editors: Alicia Silvestre Miralles & Rubén Gonzalez Vallejo. Deadline for abstracts: 30 September 2023
Journal: Special issue of L10N on Video Game Localization in Central and Eastern Europe – Chances and Challenges. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2023
Journal: Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi (Journal of Translation Studies). Hacettepe University, Vol. 35, 2023 Fall. Deadline for paper submissions: 01 October 2023.
Journal: Special issue of BRIDGE (Vol. 4, Nr. 2) on Paratexts as a Valid Component of (Re)translations. Guest editor: Francesca Raffi, Emilia Perez & Matej Martinkovič. Deadline for submissions: 15 October 2023
Journal: Vol. 4, special issue (2023): Translation and Interpreting at the Crossroads, Bridge. Deadline for submission: 1 November 2023.
Journal: Special issue of LANGAGES Vol. 237 (1) on Intelligence artificielle, analyse de corpus et diversité linguistique. Guest editors: Rachele Raus & Michela Tonti. Deadline for proposals: 15 November 2023
Journal: Inaugural issue of Feminist Translation Studies (2024). Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2023
Journal: Cultus: The Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication, special issue on Back to Culture, Vol. 17, 2024. Deadline for submissions: 1 December 2023.
Journal: Il Pietrisco Translations, Issue 2, 2024. Submission of translations: 1 December 2023.
Users Track, Machine Translation Summit 2023, Macau SAR, China. 4-8 September 2023.
ICTIC 4 with the theme “Methods We Live By”, Universidad de Santiago Chile. 6-8 September 2023.
TREXTUALITY: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translated and Multilingual Texts, University of Turku, Finland. 7-9 September 2023.
52nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, Poland. Thematic session on Combining theories and integrating methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies. 13-15 September 2023.
Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, Poland. Special thematic session on Eye-tracking in reading research and translation reception studies. 13-15 September 2023.
Translation and the periodical, Ghent University. 14-15 September 2023.
Translation, Interpreting and Culture 3: Virality and Isolation in the Era of Deepening Divides, Bratislava, Slovakia. 20-22 September 2023.
GAL Jahrestagung (Translation and Interpreting Studies section), University of Mainz, Germany. 20-22 September 2023
Translation in Totalitarian Regimes Linguistic, Literary and Historical Aspects. Bucharest. 22-23 September 2023.
Women and the Politics of Translation in/of the Middle East: Encounters, Dynamics, and Prospects, KU Leuven (Brussels campus). 19-20 October 2023.
Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts. University of Liege, Belgium. 26-27 October 2023
Transnational Feminism: Explorations, Communications, Challenges and Horizons, Badr University, Cairo, Egypt. 28-29 October 2023.
5th APTIS Conference on The Teaching and Learning that Matter Today, Queen’s University Belfast. 1-3 November 2023.
IPCITI 2023 The International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting. Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh. 23-24 November 2023.
Translation (auto)censored in the French-speaking worlds since 1945 (Saint Etienne), Jean Monnet University, Saint Etienne. Deadline for submissions:. 24 November 2023.
4th International Symposium PaCor 2023: Parallel Corpora Across Disciplines: New Challenges Ahead, University of León, Spain. 22-24 November 2023.
The Challenges and Consequences of cultural Misunderstanding, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France. 14-16 March 2024.
Stridon, Vol. 3 (1), 2023.
Il Pietrisco Translations, special issue on Poetry and the Pandemic, Vol. 1, 2023
Media and Intercultural Communication: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol. 1(1), 2023
trans-kom, Vol. 16(1), 2023
Palimpsestes, special issue on Le Moyen Âge au prisme de la traduction et de la réécriture contemporaines, Vol. 36, 2022
Al-Kimiya, Vol. 21, 2023
Fordítástudomány, Vol. 25(1), 2023
The Cirin Bulletin, Conference Interpreting Research Information Network, n°66, July 2023.
Mutatis Mutandis. Vol. 16 Núm. 2 (2023): Traducción (auto)censurada en los mundos hispánicos
Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi (Journal of Translation Studies), Vol. 34, 2023
Marais, Kobus. 2023. Trajectories of Translation: The Thermodynamics of Semiosis. Routledge.
Elbaz, Pascale and Linlin Shen Lao. 2023. Manuel pratique de traduction chinois-français/français-chinois – B2-C1. Ellipses.
Pena-Díaz, Carmen (ed.). 2023. The Making of Accessible Audiovisual Translation. Peter Lang.
Eugeni, Carlo and Yves Gambier. 2023. La Traduction intralinguistique: les défis de la diamésie. Editura Politehnica.
Job: Open Rank Faculty Position in Translation and Interpreting. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China. Deadline for application: 24 September 2023.
Job: Associate Professor on tenure terms or Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Translation in the School of Chinese. The University of Hong Kong. Deadline for application: 03 November 2023.