Natalia Telega-Soares
Natalia Telega-Soares is a PhD student in Modern Literatures and Cultures at the NOVA University in Lisbon, Portugal. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language Teaching (1996) from University of Silesia’s School of Education, Bielsko, Poland, a Master’s degree in English and American Studies (2002) from the University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland and a Master´s degree in Women’s Studies (2014) from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the NOVA University. She is a teacher and translator. Currently she is working on her PhD thesis under a working title: Weaving a Textual Self: Autobiographical Narratives of Contemporary African American Women. Her academic interests include African American and African literatures and cultures, postcolonial studies, feminist theory, womanist studies, sociology, psychology and political sciences. In her (scarce) free time she studies foreign languages, with a particular focus on Norwegian.
Recent publications:
Telega-Soares, Natalia. As “Entusiastas” e a educação da mulher na Polónia do século XIX. Ciências & Letras, Porto Alegre, 55 (2014): 157-171.
Telega-Soares, Natalia. Um olhar sobre o conceito de irmandade: mulheres afro-americanas e a crítica do feminismo anglo-americano. ESTREMA – Revista Interdisciplinar de Humanidades, Universidade de Lisboa, 10 (2017): 138-167.