Michele Broccia
Michele Broccia has got a Master’s degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Cagliari with highest mark of 110/110 “cum laude”. He taught English as a foreign language at a secondary school in Sardinia from 1992 to 2011. He was Lecturer of Italian Language and Culture at the University of Iceland up to 2015, and Lecturer of Italian and Sardinian at the University of Lisbon until 2020. He is now a PhD student in Language Teaching, Multilingualism and Education for a Global Citizenship at NOVA University in Lisbon. Her doctoral research entails studying the potentialities of a dialogic, humanistic, more involving language teaching approach, based on orality, disciplined improvisation, textbook-free and on the co-construction of the textbook, based on classroom discourse emergence. His main interests are implementing the approach to teach Sardinian, a minority language, as a foreign language, and research on the efficacy of the approach with other major languages, namely English.
Publications and presentations
(2022, July 13), Experimenting a “fluid” language teaching approach with Campidanese Sardinian: first data collection and analysis [Conference presentation]. CETAPS, NOVA FCSH 5th Advanced Research Seminar, Universidade Nova, Lisbon, Portugal.
(2021, February 4). Investigating the efficacy of a “fluid” approach in the teaching of Sardinian as a foreign language [Conference presentation]. CETAPS/TEALS, FCSH Advanced Research Seminar, Universidade Nova of Lisbon, Portugal.
(2019, April 12). A fluid approach for a more natural learning [Conference presentation]. Jornada Recursos tecnològics i innovació docent a l’aula de CLE, Institut Ramon Llull – Lingua e cultura catalã, Faculty of Letters. University of Lisbon, Portugal.
(2016, November 21-23), Eleonora D’Arborea, donna illuminata Ante Literam. [Conference presentation]. III Jornada Internacional em Estudos de Género. O Feminino no contexto italiano e em língua portuguesa, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
(2015, March 14). The Darkness, the Light: The Poetry of Philip Larkin [Conference presentation]. Hugvísindaþing 2015: Ljós, University of Iceland, Reykjavìk.
(2014, August 12-15). Letteratura in limba: la nascita del nuovo romanzo in sardo. Opere e prospettive. XIX Congrès des romanistes scandinaves, Proceedings of the University of Iceland. https://conference.hi.is/rom14/files/2015/08/MICHELEBROCCIA.pdf.
(2014). The Sardinian Literary Spring. An Overview. A New Perspective on Italian Literature, Nordicum Mediterraneum, 9(1), 1-15. DOI: 10.33112/nm.9.1.28