María Arau Ribeiro
My PhD from UBI (2001) in Letters/Applied Linguistics was on Insights from Interlanguage as Revealed in Writing: Towards the development of metalinguistic competences for Portuguese adult learners of English. While studying for my Masters in Applied Linguistics at UCDavis, in addition to graduate student teaching, I was an Analyst/Consultant for the California Department of Education, assessing teacher performance for state grants, negotiating terms for immigrant students with the (then) Federal/State Immigration/Naturalization Service, and preparing reports/speeches for the Superintendent of Education, following prior work with the Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges, which had sustained my honor’s thesis at UCBerkeley entitled The Selective Society: An Inquiry into the English Language/Civics Provision of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 for my double B.A. in Contemporary International Relations and French.
I have taught at the Polytechnic of Guarda (IPG) since 1993 and, before that, at the American Language Institute in Oporto and the Asociación Cultural Hispano e Norte-Americana (ACHNA), Fulbright Institute, in Madrid. I primarily teach ESP and English language/culture as well as teacher training programs for English. I have alternately been (Vice-)President of the School of Technology & Management (ESTG) Pedagogical Council since 2007 and helped to design the ESTG Interactive Centre for Language & Culture (current co-coordinator). Current Executive President of (the Network Association of Language Centers in Higher Education in Portugal, co-founded in 2009, and Executive President of Aprolíngu@s, (the Portuguese Association of Foreign Language Teachers in HE, 2004-2014). CETAP/TEALS researcher and UDI collaborator (the IPG Unit for Inland Development), also actively involved in the Comparative Intercultural Studies Group (GECI, within the Section of Comparative Education of the Portuguese Society of Education (SPCE-SEC), the CLIL-ReCLeS project for CLIL in HE, training subject specialists for the implementation of CLIL modules for improved teaching and learning in international settings, and the Grupo do Território da Rede do Ensino Superior em Mediação Intercultural (of the Portuguese ACM – the High Commissioner for Migration). Involved in three European SIGs: two with CercleS (the European Association of Language Centres in Higher Education) — Language Policy and Conference and Event Management (guidelines — and one with the European Language Council (CEL/ELC) in Developing different models for language policy in HE. She is on the board of a number of academic journals and her publications cover language policy, teaching and learning styles and strategies, metalinguistics, interculturality, and CLIL.
Some edited books of selected papers and proceedings include:
Morgado, M., M. Coelho, M. C. Arau Ribeiro, A. Albuquerque, M. Silva, G. Chorão, S. Cunha, A. Gonçalves, A. Carvalho, M. Régio, S. Faria and I. Chumbo. CLIL training guide. Creating a CLIL learning community in higher education. Santo Tirso: De Facto Editores, 2015.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C., L. Guerra, A. C. Gonçalves, M. M. Silva, A. A. Silva, O. Gonçalves, and S. Llinás, eds. Proceedings of the International Meeting on Languages, Applied Linguistics, and Translation – LALT 2012. Évora: Department of Línguistics and Literatures, University of Évora, 2015.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C., and I. Chumbo, eds. Communication without Borders – Selected Papers of the International Conference Languages 2011: X Meeting of Aprolínguas and II Meeting of Guarda: Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, 2014.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C., ed. Línguas 2010: Pontes, portas, janelas, espelhos e redes. Guarda: Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, 2011.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C., E. B. Brito, and G. Árias Méndez, eds. Aprender Ensinando: Dinâmicas metodológicas no ensino-aprendizagem das línguas estrangeiras. Guarda: Arthipol, 2008.
Other recent articles include:
Arau Ribeiro, M. C., S. W. Best, L. C. Campos, and M. P. Neves. “Immigrant L2 Education in Portugal.”Proceedings of the International Meeting on Languages, Applied Linguistics, and Translation – LALT 2012. M. C. Arau Ribeiro et al., eds. Évora: Department of Linguistics and Literatures, University of Évora, 2015. 25-37.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C. “EFL Diagnostic Tests: A case study of design and application.” Communication without Borders – Selected Papers of the International Conference Languages 2011: X Meeting of Aprolínguas and II Meeting of M. C. Arau Ribeiro and I. Chumbo, eds. Guarda: Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, 2014. 56-59.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C. “Translating the CercleS European Language Portfolio into Portuguese for Plurilingual Development in a Community of Practice.” Language Learning in Higher Education; Journal of the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (CercleS) 3.2 (2013). 323-38.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C. “Preserving Plurilingualism: The case study of an emerging language policy in a small inland Portuguese polytechnic institute.” Language Learning in Higher Education; Journal of the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (CercleS) 2.2 (2012). 499-509.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C. “Historical Linguistics, Linguistics, and Applied Linguistics: A Study Inspired by Trees.” ODISEA – Revista de Estudios Ingleses 12 (2011): 39-52.