Margarita Savchenkova

Margarita Savchenkova holds a Master’s degree in Advanced Studies and Research in History and a Master’s degree in Translation and Intercultural Mediation (awarded with an extraordinary mention), both from the University of Salamanca. She is currently working as a research assistant at the
University of Salamanca, where she is pursuing her doctoral degree under the supervision of Professor África Vidal Claramonte, with financial support from the Regional Government of Castile and Leon, Spain, and the European Social Fund. Her fields of research include translation theory, history, and memory studies.

Relevant publications include:
• ‘Traducción y memoria traumática: construcción del discurso sobre la guerra en la obra de Svetlana Alexiévich’. In Fernández Ulloa, T., Santiago-Guervós, J. de and Soler Gallo, M., eds. Cine, literatura y otras artes al servicio de las ideologías. Berlin: Peter Lang. 2023. pp. 431-440
• ‘Del ensayo al cómic: en busca de la diversidad en la traducción multimodal de Sapiens’, Ocnos: revista de estudios sobre lectura, 22(1).2023. pp. 1-16.
• ‘Перевод и переводчики в литературной системе Сергея Довлатова’ [Translation and Translators in Sergey Dovlatov’s Literary System’], Mundo Eslavo, 21. 2022. pp. 79-95.
• ‘The Body as a Translation: The Senses and World War II in U vojny ne zenskoe lico, by Svetlana Alexievich’, Translation Matters, 4(1). 2022. pp.18-32.
• ‘Las referencias históricas de la época soviética y su tratamiento en la traducción: el caso de Svetlana Aleksiévich’, Hikma: Revista de Traducción, 20(2). 2021. pp. 127-152.

Ciência Vitae: DB13-3953-E571
ORCID: 0000-0002-0712-7464