Margarida Morgado
TEALS – Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies
Margarida Morgado completed her Master and PhD degrees in English Literature at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. She is Coordinating Professor of English Cultural Studies at Castelo Branco Polytechnic Institute at the Social Sciences and Humanities Department since 1995.
She was director of the MA in Teaching English and Spanish in Primary and Lower Secondary at IPCB and of in-service courses for Teachers of English in Primary, as well as consultant for Teaching English to young learners with Santillana Publishing House.
She has been the Director of the Language and Culture Centre (CILCE – Centro Interdisciplinar de Línguas, Culturas e Educação) at the School of Education of the Castelo Branco Polytechnic Institute since 2006 and a co-founder of the ReCLes association (Association of Language Centres in Higher Education) in Portugal, affiliated into the European CERCLES association.
Applied Research Projects with EU-funding
She has coordinated and participated in many international applied research projects in the areas of Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, Reading and Intercultural Education. Her research initially focused on cultural constructions of the child and childhood in literature and now encompasses English Foreign Language Teaching, Content and Language Integrated Learning, Intercultural Education and Children’s fiction. She has wide expertise in international European projects on all these research areas (i.e. EPBC and ESET, BARFIE, EDMReporter, EUMOF, ALPHAEU, SCHOOL SAFETY NET, BOYS’ READING, AQUA NARRABILIS, WE ARE EUROPE, IDPBC, ICCAGE, LIRE 2.0).
In Portugal she coordinates a Portuguese team that is exploring CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in the context of her work in Language Centres of Higher Education. She is also currently involved in a 3-year (2015-2018) EU-funded project on CLIL for Primary education, called CLIL for CHILDREN.
She is also involved in a European Policy Experiment project on Telecollaboration funded by the EU for a 2-year period (2017-2019) called EVALUATE (Evaluating and Upscaling Telecollaborative Teacher Education 582934-EPP-1-2016-2-ES-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY).
She integrates TEALS – Strand B “Working CLIL” Implementing / monitoring Content and Language Integrated Learning projects.
She has acted as evaluator for research projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences area for the European Science Foundation (ESF) and she has acted as peer reviewer for the following journals: EJTE European Journal of Teacher Education, Educare/Educere, Children’s Literature in English Language Education (e-journal) and the CERCLES International Journal, Language Learning in Higher Education, The Journal of the Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education.
She has been on the scientific committee and organization of several International conferences, such as those of the “Red de Universidades Lectoras”, jointly with Iberian and South-American universities, and those of the “Culture and Power” series with the University of Lisbon and several other Portuguese institutions, as well as on the above mentioned project international conferences.
In Portugal she coordinates a Portuguese team that is exploring CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in the context of her work in Language Centres of Higher Education.
She is also part of the GECI research group on Comparative Intercultural Education and of RESMI a Portuguese network on Intercultural Mediation.
Main publications:
Morgado, M., Régio, M., Gaspar, M.C. (2017) Content, language and intercultural challenges in engineering education: (E-)strategies to improve instructional design. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 4 (8) 153-161.
García, L., Silveira, P. and Morgado, M. (2017). Las Competencias de Comunicación Intercultural en la Empresa Global y su Desarrollo en el Aula de Español Para Fines Económicos y Comerciales.” EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics, volume 3.pp.104-109.
Morgado, M. (2017). “Leitura para rapazes: Motivação, Imagem, Ação e Diálogo”. In: Imaginários Iluminados na didática do Português. Livro de atas. Coord. Isabel Aires de Matos: org. de Ana Isabel Silva; Dulce Melão; Fernando Alexandre Lopes; João Paulo Balula e Susana Amante. Viseu: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu – Escola Superior de Educação. (pp.53-72). 978-989-96261-9-5.
Gaspar, M., Régio, M., Morgado, M. (2017). Lean-Green Manufacturing: Collaborative Content and Language Integrated Learning in Higher Education and Engineering Courses. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 2, 208-217. doi 10.15503/jecs20172.208.217.
Régio, M., Gaspar, M., Farinha, L. and Morgado, M. (2017). Industry 4.0 and Telecollaboration to Promote Cooperation Networks: A Pilot Survey in the Portuguese Region of Castelo Branco. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics, 1. 243-248.
Gaspar, M.C., Régio, M., Morgado, M. (2017). The co-construction of a bilingual glossary of terms for engineering design technologies as part of learning in Engineering through a collaborative CLIL approach. EDULEARN17 Proceedings. 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, Spain. 3-5 July, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-697-3777-4 / ISSN: 2340-1117. doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2017.
Régio, M. M. de A., Gaspar, M. R. C., Farinha, L. & Morgado, M. M. A. de P. (2017). INDUSTRY 4.0 AND TELECOLLABORATION TO PROMOTE COOPERATION NETWORKS: A PILOT SURVEY IN THE PORTUGUESE REGION OF CASTELO BRANCO. Regional HELIX’17. International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer. UBI. June 21-23.
Morgado, M. (2017). Open Educational Resources. Vita Scuolastica.
Régio, M., Gaspar, M., & Morgado, M. (2016). APRENDIZAGEM INTEGRADA DE LÍNGUA E CONTEÚDO EM ENGENHARIA INDUSTRIAL: UMA EXPERIÊNCIA PILOTO. In Gomes, C. A., Figueiredo, M., Ramalho, H., & Rocha, J. (Coords.). (2016). XIII SPCE: fronteiras, diálogos e transições na educação. Viseu: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. Escola Superior de Educação. ISBN: 978-989-96261-6-4.
Pires, M.N., Morgado, M. & Pereira, C. (2016). AS NARRATIVAS VISUAIS E A PROMOÇÃO DA IDENTIDADE E DIVERSIDADE EM CRIANÇAS E JOVENS. In Gomes, C. A., Figueiredo, M., Ramalho, H., & Rocha, J. (Coords.). (2016). XIII SPCE: fronteiras, diálogos e transições na educação. Viseu: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. Escola Superior de Educação. ISBN: 978-989-96261-6-4.
Morgado, M. (2016) TRANSVERSALIDADE DISCIPLINAR E PARTICIPAÇÃO ATIVA DE JOVENS NUM PROJETO EUROPEU. In Gomes, C. A., Figueiredo, M., Ramalho, H., & Rocha, J. (Coords.). (2016). XIII SPCE: fronteiras, diálogos e transições na educação. Viseu: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. Escola Superior de Educação. ISBN: 978-989-96261-6-4.
Morgado, M. (2016) A WEB 2.0, A TRANSVERSALIDADE E A INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DE LITERACIAS ASSOCIADAS À LEITURA. In Gomes, C. A., Figueiredo, M., Ramalho, H., & Rocha, J. (Coords.). (2016). XIII SPCE: fronteiras, diálogos e transições na educação. Viseu: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. Escola Superior de Educação. ISBN: 978-989-96261-6-4.
Morgado, M. (2016) C4C – CLIL nos Primeiros Anos de Escolaridade. In Gomes, C. A., Figueiredo, M., Ramalho, H., & Rocha, J. (Coords.). (2016). XIII SPCE: fronteiras, diálogos e transições na educação. Viseu: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. Escola Superior de Educação. ISBN: 978-989-96261-6-4.
Morgado, M. (2016). COMPETÊNCIAS COMUNICATIVAS INTERCULTURAIS E DIÁLOGO INTERCULTURAL NA EMPRESA: UMA PERSPETIVA INTERNACIONAL DE FORMAÇÃO NO ENSINO SUPERIOR. In Gomes, C. A., Figueiredo, M., Ramalho, H., & Rocha, J. (Coords.). (2016). XIII SPCE: fronteiras, diálogos e transições na educação. Viseu: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. Escola Superior de Educação. ISBN: 978-989-96261-6-4.
Garcia, Luis Gómez; Morgado, Margarida; e Ascenção, Idalina (2016). Recepcionista de Hotel en lengua Española: Estudio de caso sobre necessidades de formación. In: Práxis e Inovação em Secretariado. Atas da Conferência Comemorativa dos 20 anos de Secretariado da ESE, (6-8/10/2016). Castelo Branco: IPCB. Pp. 81-96.
Arau Ribeiro, M. C, Silva, M. M., Morgado, M. M. & Coelho, M. M. (2016). Promoting Dynamic CLIL in Portuguese Higher Education: From design and training to implementation. CASALC Review 2015-2016, 5 (2), 30-38. Retrieved from
Costa e Silva, Ana Maria; Piedade, Ana; Morgado, Margarida; Arau Ribeiro, María del Carmen (2016). Mediação Intercultural e Território: estratégias e desafios. In: Entre Iguais e diferentes: A Mediação Intercultural. Alto Comissariado para as Migrações, I.P. (Coord.). Lisboa: ACM, I.P. Pp.9-29.
Morgado, M. M., Coelho, M. M., Arau Ribeiro, M.C., Silva, M.M. & Gonçalves, A. (2016).CLIL no Ensino Superior português: uma experiência pedagógica inovadora. In H. S. Almeida, P. Fonseca, S. Gonçalves, C. Malça (Coord.) Inovação no Ensino Superior. Colecção Estratégias de Ensino e Sucesso Académico: Boas Práticas no Ensino Superior, Vol. 2 (pp. 177-194). Coimbra: Centro de Inovação e Estudo da Pedagogia no Ensino Superior (CInEP).
Marı́a del Carmen Arau Ribeiro, Manuel Moreira da Silva, Margarida Morgado, Margarida Coelho (2015). Promoting Dynamic CLIL Courses in Portuguese Higher Education: From design and training to implementation. Psychological and creative approaches to language teaching. 30-36.
Morgado, M. M., Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Coelho, M. M., Gonçalves, A., Silva, M.M. & Chumbo, I. A. (2015). CLIL in Portuguese Higher Education – building a community of practice and learning. In Ministério da Educação e Ciência (Ed.). Experiências de Inovação Didática no Ensino Superior (pp. 65-79), Lisboa: Gabinete do Secretário de Estado do Ensino Superior. Retrieved from
Morgado, M., M. Coelho, M. C. Arau Ribeiro, A. Albuquerque, M. Silva, G. Chorão, S. Cunha, A. Gonçalves, A. Carvalho, M. Régio, S. Faria and I. Chumbo. CLIL training guide. Creating a CLIL learning community in higher education. Santo Tirso: De Facto Editores, 2015.
Morgado, M., and M. Coelho “Learning different subjects by using other languages… or the other way round? The relevance of the CLIL approach.” Communication without Borders – Selected Papers of the International Conference Languages 2011, X Meeting of Aprolingu@s and II Meeting of, 28-29 October 2011. M. C. Arau Ribeiro and I. Chumbo, eds. Guarda: IPG, 2014. p.153-162.
Morgado, M., and M. Coelho. “CLIL: Practical approaches of Higher Education EFL teachers.” Proceedings of the International Meeting on Languages, Applied Linguistics, and Translation – LALT 2012. M. C. Arau Ribeiro, eds. University of Évora, 6-7 December 2012. Évora: Department of Linguistics and Literatures, 2015. 129-42.
Morgado, M., and M. Coelho. “CLIL vs English as the medium of instruction: The Portuguese higher education Polytechnic context.” Egitania Sciencia 12 (2013): 123-45.
Morgado, M. “Tools for Mobility: mobility across and within linguistic, cultural and national borders.” Report on the PluriMobil (Mobility programmes for plurilingual and intercultural education) Tools for language teachers workshop. CERCLES Bulletin. ECML, 2011.
Morgado, M. “Literatura Infantil e Interculturalidade: “Preparar os Leitores para a Vida”. Transformações do Olhar. Perspectivas Ibéricas sobre Literatura Infantil e Educação Intercultural.”Revista Educare/Educere 14, special issue (2010): 17-35.
Morgado N., and N. Pires. Literatura Infantil e Educação Intercultural. Vivemos num Mundo sem Esconderijos. Lisbon: Colibri, 2010. (As the result of a research project called Representations of the Other in the Portuguese National Reading Plan: strategies for intercultural education in relation to year 4 recommended books, IME/CED/81881/2006. FUNDING BODY : FCT).
Livingston, K., J. McCall, and M. Morgado. “Teacher Educators as Researchers. Becoming a Teacher Educator. Theory and Practice for Teacher Educators. A. Swennen and M. van der Klink, eds. Dordercht, Netherlands: Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 2009. 191-204.
Outreach activities: short description with relevant links
AlphaEU – Alphabets of Europe (AlphaEU) EU funded project: 531092-LLP-1-2012-1-CY-KA2—K (2013-2015)
AlphaEU uses digital media (ICT-supported image, sound, video, animation, hypertext, etc.) to enhance interactivity, stimulate curiosity, and encourage children to explore differences and similarities between languages and begin to formulate general ideas about how languages work. One of the project’s innovative aspects is its equal focus on comparing language symbols (i.e. letters) in correlation to sounds.
School Safety Net EU funded project: 531028-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-KA4-KA4MP (2013-2015)
The School Safety Net project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA4 Dissemination and Exploitation of Results, and Exchange of Good Practice), intends to address the need of European school systems to prevent early school leaving.
The project addresses the following four main issues which have a relevant impact on early school leaving:
Early identification of students at risk
Integration of immigrant students
Support to students with learning disabilities
Prevention of school bullying
The project main activities are:
- A) Success stories in tackling school early leaving
The aim is to provide teachers, students, parents, headmasters and policy makers in the educational sector with a collection of success stories related to the issue of early school leaving. The success stories present the perspectives of all the main actors involved in the early school leaving issue. These are: headmasters, teachers, students and parents.
- B) Collection of Teaching Resources
The aim of this activity is to provide the target groups of the project with:
Direct access to already existing training and educational sources to prevent early school leaving
Reviews of publications on early school leaving
A collection of guidelines for headmasters, teachers, parents, students and policy makers in order to provide them with the skills to prevent early school leaving.
- C) Collection of teachers’ experiences
The aim of this activity is to collect teachers’ experiences related to the issue of early school leaving.
- D) Case Scenarios
The aim of this activity is to create case scenarios on early school leaving starting from the real experiences described by the teachers and adapted in order to cover more exemplary and complex challenges. Schools involved also jointly cooperate in the production of strategies to solve the case scenarios.
Aqua Narrabilis. EU funded project. 2014-1-AT01-KA200-01024 (2014-2016)
Narrative skills are the ability to describe things and events and tell stories. They are basic skills and key-competences, which are essential for
- literacy (i.e. the ability to read and write),
- first and second language learning and
- certainly also for active citizenship and participation in democracy (roughly: being able to make oneself heard).
They are also crucial for effective and engaging communication in any disciplinary field.
Methods like conventional story telling (based on books), reading books aloud, power point presentations of picture books (story book theatres), kamishibai, dramatizing book contents, puppet or shadow plays can all contribute to raising narrative skills, but their educational value remains to be analysed.
Not all children books and not all topics are equally suitable for conveying narrative skills. Establishing an audited list of felicity conditions for teaching and learning narrative skills (esp. appropriate material, contents and methods) is one of the envisaged outputs.
We also want to develop
- practical methods,
- hands-on and tangible material (e.g. texts for puppet or shadow plays)
- didactic models and
- easily accessible and up-to-date open educational resources (OER) in diverse European languages for the use in library work, in primary schools (age group: 6 – 12 years) and in kindergartens (3 – 6 years).
In order to address issues of active citizenship and worldwide concern and to produce comparable material that can be used in all European countries (and beyond) we concentrate on the topic of WATER, i.e. all stories , all material and resources are related to water and its ecological, nutritional, geographical and – above all – symbolic value.
Boys’ Reading EU funded project: 2014-1-HR01-KA200-007171 (2014-2016)
The Boys Reading project strives to make reading an integral part in the life of boys aged 11-15, who are currently unenthusiastic about books. The Boys Reading consortium asserts that this can only be achieved if teenage boys acquire control over their reading and are enabled to choose their readings from books that satisfy their actual needs and interests. Addressing the needs of boys effectively requires dialogue and the collective effort of all partners in the education process, including government, educators, parents, and community members. Among these partners, however, educators play a particularly important role. The Boys Reading project targets all stakeholders but focuses especially on educators, enabling them to provide classroom experiences that respond to the interests, needs, and learning styles of boys, and to engage boys and girls equally as readers and writers.
Objectives pursued
The Boys Reading project aims to make reading an integral part in the life of boys aged 11-15, who are currently unenthusiastic about books. Boys Reading asserts that this can only be achieved if teenage boys acquire control over their reading and are enabled to choose from books that address their needs and interests. The Boys Reading project draws its general objectives directly from the guidelines set by the EU High Level Group of Experts on Literacy (2012). Namely, the project strives to convince, encourage and educate all stakeholders, and especially educators of boys aged 11-15 to:
- Raise the motivation and interest of boys to read and write in order to close the gender gap;
- Open up schools to appealing materials, including digital ones, to make reading and writing relevant to boys’ individual preferences;
- Facilitate contact with male role-models engaging in literacy; and
- Develop initiatives aimed at making language development fun and appealing for adolescent boys.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the project will train educators of boys aged 11-15 (including literacy and special education teachers, and school librarians) through:
- A Research Report on effective reading promotion to teenage boys
- The Boys Reading Toolkit that features
- Introduction to Literature for Teenage Boys
- Review of Significant Texts for Boys
III. Guidelines and Ideas for Successful Reading Promotion to Boys
- Guidelines and Ideas for Incorporating Boys’ Literature in the Curriculum
- Sample Actions and Activities for Reading Promotion to Boys
- Boys Reading Case Studies
- Boys Reading Teacher Professional Development Modules
- An interactive portal with resources and material in partner languages.
We Are Europe. EU funded project: 2014-1-AT01-KA201-001016 (2014-2016)
This interdisciplinary project proposes to develop a concept for, and implement, innovative teaching modules for 10- to 14-year-old students. It adopts the theoretical perspective of purposive history and interdisciplinary approaches. The modules will be devoted to specific themes, such as the concept of ‘home’ as national, regional and local identity, musical traditions, fashion, cooking and sports, the future educational needs and skills for the future. The idea is to deepen students’ political and historical knowledge on Europe in general, and especially on those European countries that are partners in the project, and awaken and/or deepen their interest in Europe and in the European Union as an inclusive space for lifelong learning and work. This goal will be pursued through cross-curricular themes, resources and activities designed to complement the current school curricula, to be tested in schools (formal education) and in libraries (informal educational events). In addition, the planned activities will assist the participating students in developing their personalities, discovering their own abilities and strengths and enhancing their social skills
2015-1-LT01-KA201-013492 (2015-2017)
The IDPBC project strives to empower children from disadvantaged backgrounds to see themselves in the curriculum, enable all children to function within diverse/multicultural educational environments, and prepare teachers to teach diverse learners. IDPBC pursues all of the above by placing in the hands of children, teachers, student teachers and parents picture books that deal with identity, diversity and inclusion. Children, teachers, student teachers and parents are educated and guided through activities that value diversity, combat racism and xenophobia and enhance the child’s self-image and self-efficacy.
The central aims of IDPBC are to:
compile a collection of international picture books in a range of languages, which can be used in classrooms for exploration and negotiation of identity, inclusion and diversity;
develop, test and disseminate a series of picture-book-based approaches and activities that will support inclusion and diversity and ultimately reduce disparities in learning outcomes of disadvantaged learners;
publish and disseminate a guide that supports practitioners in integrating IDPBC picture books in the curriculum, forming their own picture book collections and activities and engaging diverse students, parents and the community;
provide training and professional development to pre- and in-service educators, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and competences to successfully manage and support diversity through visual stories; and
provide an Open Educational Resources (OERs) platform that enables pre- and in-service educators to develop networks of practitioners who integrate picture books in the curriculum to make teaching and learning more inclusive and accommodating.
2015-1-IE01-KA201-008625 (2015-2017)
The LiRe2.0 project aspires to contribute to the effort of creating European schools, universities, and professional environments that are populated by millions of lifelong readers. The project dispels the widespread notion (especially amongst parents and educators) that technology is the enemy of reading. LiRe2.0 is based on the opposite assumption: Innovative use of ICT-based, open educational practices and resources that link up informal, non-formal, and formal reading/learning, can play a significant role in enhancing people’s reading attitudes, reading engagement, and reading skills; especially in the case of disengaged or reluctant readers and marginalized learners. The LiRe2.0 project addresses low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods and develop basic and transversal skills by using innovative methods in order to:
Provide innovative pedagogical methods, best practice guidelines, and implementation strategies towards scalable, systemic, and sustainable use of ICT for reading promotion.
Involve in the project and convince all stakeholders that innovative use of ICT-based educational practices and resources can enhance people’s reading attitudes and engagement.
Inspire, guide, and facilitate the creation of reading cultures and communities among pre-teens and teenagers, university students, and working adults, through the use of Web 2.0 technologies and other forms of digital/social reading and “book-talking”.
Describe, implement, and disseminate multiple ways in which technology can encourage reading for pleasure and reading engagement, in various settings, and for diverse readers (pre-teens, teens, university students, working adults).
The project’s specific objectives are:
To combat low levels of literacy and engage at-risk students in reading and academic learning.
To provide innovative pedagogical methods, best practice guidelines, and strategies towards systemic use of ICT for reading promotion.
To empower all stakeholders to use innovative ICT-based educational practices and resources in enhancing people’s reading attitudes, reading engagement, and reading skills.
To inspire, guide, and facilitate the creation of reading cultures, communities through the use of Web 2.0 technologies.
To implement ways in which technology can encourage reading for pleasure and engagement in various settings, and for diverse readers
The LiRe2.0 consortium pursues all of the above through the following specific activities:
To author, publish, and present a handbook on reading promotion through ICT.
To design, deliver, and evaluate LiRe2.0 training modules for reading promoters.
To pilot, implement, and evaluate ICT-based reading promotion programmes.
To produce and present illustrative LiRe2.0 case studies.
To organize and participate in relevant conferences.
To create and administer a website on reading promotion through ICT.
To set in place dissemination and exploitation strategies that will ensure the impact and sustainability of LiRe2.0 products and outcomes.
2015-1-CZ01-KA203-013992 (2015-2017)
The main objective is to innovate Intercultural Communication (ICC) language teaching and learning in Higher Education (HE) in the light of new technologies, new participatory cultures of learning, and global employability.
In an increasingly globalised world of intercultural dialogue and international business, HE is facing challenges such as communication barriers, cultural stereotypes, prejudice, identity conflict and language deficiency which compounds the lack of skills to interact successfully. Only through the acquisition of ICC can these problems be minimised. Although the need for the acquisition of ICC is clearly stated in the EU language policy, this concept is wide, leading to multiple interpretations and solutions for ICC courses across European HE institutions. Sharing knowledge of the practices at other HE institutions is essential for further innovation.
The project is aimed at developing skills and competences which are key factors of academic and professional success. Thus it represents a major step in the modernisation of HE and in achieving the goal of enhancing the employability of young people in the global job market.
The project enables institutions to vary the curricula – both content and methodology and enrich the traditional in-class teaching approaches. It supports individual skills and pace, academic and personal growth, foster tolerance, negotiating and problem solving abilities while increasing the responsibilities of students to be motivated and continue long-life learning/teaching.
It develops ICC content and methodology in homogenous European cultures whose languages are not widely spoken in Europe as either a first or foreign language (Czech and Hungarian) and strengthens their interculturality and global understanding. The collaboration cultures with multilingual and multicultural societies, such as Spain or Portugal with other language speaking cultures in the world will have positive impact on the mutual perception of intercultural aspects.
ICC is generally developed with English as the Lingua Franca, so it will be valuable to include another foreign language in the project such as Spanish and thus support the concept of a multilingual environment and contributing towards meeting EU policy on language education and better job opportunities.
Finally, this project further develops the concept of some successfully implemented projects such as the Erasmus Multilateral Project INTENT (Integrating Telecollaborative Networks into Foreign Language Higher Education) and the INTERACT project on Intercultural Active Citizenship Education .
2015-1-IT02-KA201-015017 (2015-2018)
The aim of the C4C project is to support primary school teachers with a comprehensive training program for CLIL teaching. The project is developing a series of digital Publications, CLIL materials, and Lesson Plans for teaching Science, Mathematics and geography, and an online course addressed to teachers on how to use CLIL methodology in primary schools. A piloting activity in the different countries involved in the project will be managed by the teachers participating to mobility and specific training activities.
582934-EPP-1-2016-2-ES-EPPKA2-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY (2017-2019)
Project Homepage:
This European Policy Experimentation will evaluate the impact of telecollaborative learning on student-teachers involved in Initial Teacher Education in the participating European countries and regions. Telecollaboration, also commonly known as Virtual Exchange, involves engaging trainee teachers involved in Initial Teacher Education in task-based interaction and collaborative exchange with fellow trainees in other locations through online communication technologies.
The guiding research question for the study is:
“Will participation in telecollaborative exchange contribute to the development of competences which future teachers need to teach, collaborate and innovate effectively in a digitalised and cosmopolitan world?”
The specific research questions are:
Will telecollaboration have a positive impact on future teachers’ digital-pedagogical competence?
Will telecollaboration have a positive impact on future teachers’ intercultural competence?
Will telecollaboration have a positive impact on future teachers’ foreign language competence?
How do socio-institutional factors in each of the participating countries shape and affect the impact of telecollaboration in ITE?