Luísa Araújo
Luísa Araújo holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Delaware with a concentration in literacy studies and bilingual education. Her research interests include literacy and early reading development and second/foreign language learning. She has published widely in the field of literacy education and was national coordinator of the psycholinguistic study of the Portuguese National Reading Plan (PNL) for the development of curriculum standards in Basic Education. Her teaching activities include teaching courses on reading development, methodology of mother tongue education, English as a second language and scientific writing.
Her current interests include exploring how children´s literature in translation can contribute to language learning for young learners, analyzing literacy development in Europe in a comparative perspective, and studying the implementation of reading curricula.
Araújo, L., Cheong, C. M. ; Gordon, J., van Rijt, J., Gourvennec, A. F. (2021). Twenty years of L1. The journal and the research community behind it. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 21, 1-15.
Araújo, L. (2020). English Language Learning (5th Ed.). In C. Vukelich, B. Enz and K. Roskos (Eds.), Helping young children learn language and literacy: Birth through kindergarten (pp. 96-98). NY: Pearson.
Fernandes, S., Querido, L., Verhoeven, A., Marques, C. & Araújo, L. (2018). What is the relationship between prosody and reading comprehension in European Portuguese? Evidence from grades 2 to 5″. Journal of Research in Reading, 41(1), 102-129.
Lopes, P., Costa, P., Araújo, L. & Ávila, P. (2018). Measuring media literacy skills: Construction of a test. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 43(4), 1-27.
Fernandes, S., Querido, L., Verhoeven, A., Marques, C. & Araújo, L. (2017). Reading Development in European Portuguese: Relationships between oral reading fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension. Reading and Writing, 30(9), 1987–2007.
Araújo, L., Saltelli, A. & Schnepf, S. (2017). Do PISA data justify PISA-based education policy?. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 19(1), 20-34.
Costa, P. & Araújo, L. (2017). Skilled Students and Effective Schools: Reading Achievement in Denmark, Sweden and France. Scandinavian Journal of Education, 62(6), 850-864.
Costa, P. & Araújo, L. (2017). Avaliação da leitura na Europa. In T. Machado Soares & A. Bonamino (Orgs.), Estudos sobre educação Brasileira: Múltiplos olhares (pp. 89-114). Rio de Janeiro: Ed. PUC-Rio.
Araújo, L., Costa, P. & Folgado, C. (2016). Avaliação da Leitura: PIRLS 2011. In Fernando Azevedo & Ângela Balça (Eds.), Leitura e Educação Literária (pp. 15-30). Lisboa: Lidel.