Katarzyna Pisarska

Katarzyna Pisarska, PhD, is a researcher at CETAPS (Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies) at the University of Porto, Portugal.  She is the author of Mediating the World in the Novels of Iain Banks: The Paradigms of Fiction (Peter Lang, 2013) and Reversed Food Chains: Humanity, Monstrosity and an Evolutionary Utopia in Colin Wilson’s Spider World Novels (U.Porto Press, 2019), and co-editor of The Lives of Texts: Exploring the Metaphor (Cambridge Scholars, 2012). She has published articles and book chapters on British and American literature and utopian cinema and fiction. Her main research interests include Scottish fiction, Utopian Studies, the Gothic, adaptation, and myth in literature and culture.


Recent publications include:

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2020), “A Socialist Christian Utopia: Balmanno; The City of Our Quest and Its Social Problems (1906)”. Studia Filologiczne 33, 385-399.

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2020), “Insularity, Identity and the Gothic in Peter May’s Lewis Trilogy”. Between Cultures, Between Languages. Essays in Honour of Professor Aniela Korzeniowska, ed. Agnieszka Piskorska and Izabela Szymańska. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 2020. 247-256.

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2019), “Darwin’s Monsters: Evolution, Science, and the Gothic in Christian Alvart’s Pandorum.” Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature 43.2, 157-166.

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2019), Reversed Food Chains: Humanity, Monstrosity and an Evolutionary Utopia in Colin Wilson’s Spider World Novels. Porto: U.Porto Press, 2019.

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2016), “A Humanist Writes a Utopia: Science and Education in John Macmillan Brown’s Limanora: The Island of Progress (1903)”, Academia in Fact and Fiction, ed. Ludmiła Gruszewska-Blaim and Merritt Moseley, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 205-217.

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2016), “More’s Utopia in Poland: Translations and Impact – An Overview”, Utopian Studies, vol. 27.2, 346-362.

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2016), “Scots in the Pacific: The Imaginary Islands of John Macmillan Brown”, Scottish Culture: Dialogue and Self-Expression, ed. Aniela Korzeniowska and Izabela Szymańska. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 60-71.

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2015), “The Return of the Abject: Gothic Terror(ism) and Post-Devolution Britain in Skyfall”, Gothic Studies, vol. 17.2, 88-105.

Pisarska, Katarzyna (2015), “Liminal Spatialities: Visions of Scotland in Matthew Fitt’s But n Ben A-Go-Go”, Boundless Scotland: Space in Contemporary Scottish Fiction, ed. Monika Szuba, Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 189-212.