Karen Bennett
Karen Bennett is Associate Professor at the Nova University in Lisbon (NOVA-FCSH) where she lectures on the various Translation programmes. She has a MA and PhD in Translation Studies from the University of Lisbon, and researches in Translation Studies (particularly translation and the transmission of knowledge). She has published 2 monographs, 2 collected volumes, 1 special issue, 29 journal articles and 30 book chapters. She is also general editor of the new electronic journal Translation Matters.
She is on the Editorial Board of the book series Approaches to Translation Studies (Brill) and on the Advisory Boards of the journal The Translator (Taylor & Francis) and of the book series Studies in Knowledge Production and Participation (Multilingual Matters), and is regularly invited to peer review for the major international journals in Translation Studies (The Translator, Target, Perspectives, Cadernos de Tradução) and Applied Linguistics (Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of Second Language Writing, English for Specific Purposes), and for book publishers such as Routledge, Palgrave and Multilingual Matters. She is also a member of the ARTIS initiative for Advancing Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies (https://artisinitiative.org/).
Orcid: 0000-0002-8299-5456 / Ciencia Vitae ID: E21E-6AF6-CE31
Recent publications:
Edited volumes
Hybrid Englishes and the Challenges of and for Translation: Identity, Mobility and Language Change. Co-edited with Rita Queiroz de Barros. London and New York: Routledge (2019)
International English and Translation. Special Issue of The Translator 23/4. Co-edited with Rita Queiroz de Barros (2017)
The Semiperiphery of Academic Writing: Discourses, Communities and Practices, London: Palgrave Macmillan (2014).
Articles and Book Chapters
‘Authorship and (self-)translation in academic writing: towards a genetic approach’. In Ariadne Nunes, Joana Moura and Marta Pacheco Pinto (eds). Genetic Translation Criticism: Conflict and Collaboration in Liminal Spaces, London: Bloomsbury. 2020.
‘Plain English: the “rhetoric of anti-rhetoric” and its consequences for Anglophone culture’, English Studies Vol. 100, No. 7/8. 2019.
‘Between paradigms: a critical approach to the study of academic translation’. In R. Schögler (ed.) Circulation of Academic Thought: Rethinking Translation in the Academic Field. Berlin: Peter Lang. 2019: 31-54.
‘Lingua francas (translation)’, Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (3rd edition), Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha (eds). London and New York: Routledge. 2019.
‘The musical power of Salomé: Strauss translates Wilde’, Intersemiotic Translation and Multimodality, número temático de Translation Matters, Vol. 2/1, 43-61. 2019.
‘Translation and the desacralization of the western world: from performativity to representation’. Alif – Journal of Comparative Poetics 38, Special issue on Translation and the Production of Knowledge, Mona Baker (ed). 2018: 91-120.
‘Universal languages’, A History of Modern Translation Knowledge. Sources, concepts, effects, Lieven D’hulst and Yves Gambier (eds.) Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2018: 195-201.
‘Where the devil sneaks in: power and agency in radical Bible translation’. In S. Baumgarten and J. Cornellà-Detrell (eds). Translation and the Global Spaces of Power. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 2018: 59-73
‘Foucault in English: the politics of exoticization’. Target – International Journal of Translation Studies 29/2: 224-245. 2017.
‘The geopolitics of academic plagiarism’. In Margaret Cargill and Sally Burgess (eds). Publishing Research in English as an Additional Language: Practices, Pathways and Potentials. Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press. 2017: 209-220.
‘Refracting fundamentalism in Mira Nair’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012)’ (co-authored with Ana Cristina Mendes). In Terence McSweeney (ed.) American Cinema in the Shadow of 9/11. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U.P. 2016: 109-124.
‘Rhetorical incompatibilities in academic writing: English versus the Romance cultures’ (co-authored with Laura-Mihaela Muresan) Synergy 2016: 12.1.
‘Towards an epistemological monoculture: mechanisms of epistemicide in European research publication’. In English as an Academic and Research Language, Ramón Plo Alastrué and Carmen Pérez-Llantada (eds), English in Europe Vol. 2, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 2015: 9-35.
‘Translation on the semiperiphery: Portugal as cultural intermediary in the transportation of knowledge’. In S. Ramos Pinto, R, Bueno Maia and M. Pacheco (eds.), How Peripheral is the Periphery? Translating Portugal Back and Forth. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2015: 3-20.
‘The transparency trope: deconstructing English academic discourse’. Discourse and Interaction. 8/2: 5-19. 2015.
‘Like a candle under a bushel’: rhetorical identities in Portugal and England (16th – 21st centuries). Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses 24: 69-83. 2015.