José Baptista de Sousa

Historian, essayist and academic researcher, Licenciatura (BA+) in History (1994), MA in History from the University of Buckingham (2000), with the thesis Almeida Garrett and Anglo-Portuguese Cultural Interaction 1800-1850, PhD in History from the University of Buckingham with the thesis Holland House and Portugal, 1793-1840.

Researcher at CETAPS – Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (Nova Univerity of Lisbon) since 2000, Head of the Library and Historical Archive of INATEL Foundation from 2008, member of the Board for the Celebrations of the Centenary of the Death of Eça de Queirós headed by Prof. Carlos Reis (2000) and researcher at the Services of Investigation on Portuguese Literature and Culture, National Library (2000-2002).


Recent publications include:

“«Anti-Slave Trade Cruzader»: Lord Holland’s Contribution to the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its Impact on the Anglo-Portuguese Political and Diplomatic Relations.” Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, 27 (2018): 163-98

Holland House and Portugal, 1793–1840: English Whiggery and the Constitutional Cause in Iberia. London: Anthem Press, 2018.

“Lord Holland’s Portuguese Library” / José Baptista de Sousa and John Clarke, Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, 26 (2017): 93-105.

“A «Portuguese Garden» in Kensington” / José Baptista de Sousa and John Clarke, Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, 25 (2016): 123-46.

“Extract of a Journal of a Journey to Portugal in 1804-1805 by Lord Holland.” / José Baptista de Sousa and John Clarke, Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses 23 (2014): 251-63.

“«Lisbon declared for Doña Maria»: convidados e habitués portugueses da Holland Housa nos anos de 1802-1838.” Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses 21 (2012): 73-103.

Almeida Garrett (1799-1854), Founder of Portuguese Romanticism: A Study in Anglo-Portuguese Cultural Interaction. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.

Três diários de viagem em Portugal em 1808-1809 / Lord and Lady Holland, John Allen; ed., trans. and notes José Baptista de Sousa. Lisbon: Caleidoscópio and CETAPS, 2011.

“Critics to Enthusiasts: the Hollands Discover Portugal.”/ José Baptista de Sousa and John Clarke, Portuguese Studies 21.1 (2005), 70-89.

“De Westminster a São Bento: a a aprendizagem do parlamentarismo em Almeida Garrett.” Actas do I Congresso Internacional de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Lisbon: Centre of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, 2003. 367-81.

Damião de Góis: humanista português na Europa do renascimento / Carlos Reis, Luís Costa Dias and José Baptista de Sousa. Lisbon: National Library, 2002.

Eça de Queirós: a escrita do mundo Carlos Reis, Luís Costa Dias, Irene Fialho and José Baptista de Sousa. Lisbon: INAPA, 2000.

Garrett Político: catálogo da Exposição / Carlos Reis, Luís Costa Dias and José Baptista de Sousa. Lisbon: National Library, 1999.