João Ferreira
João Paulo Ferreira completed a BA in Languages, Literatures and Cultures (English and Spanish Studies) in 2016 at Nova School of Social Sciences and Humanities. He is currently taking a Master’s degree in English and Foreign Languages Teaching (Spanish) in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education at the same institution. He is also a member of the Junior Researchers in Anglo-American Studies. His main fields of interest are women’s studies, analysis of cultural content in FLT textbooks, the literary text in the FLT classroom and the development of the intercultural communicative competence.
Ferreira, João. “Carson e Júdice: uma aproximação (intertextual) luso-irlandesa”. Talent Will Rise:Ensaios de Literatura Inglesa Contemporânea, edited by Carlos Ceia, Lulu enterprises, Inc., 2014, pp. 566-75.