Iolanda Ramos
Affiliation – FCSH/NOVA
Seniority – Senior
Iolanda Ramos is an Associate Professor at the FCSH-NOVA University of Lisbon, where she has been teaching since 1985, a researcher at the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) on the projects “Alimentopia: Utopian Foodways” and “Mapping Utopianisms”, and a collaborator at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES). She is coordinator of the Masters in Modern Languages and Cultures (2017-), and she coordinated the Masters in Translation (2009-11), the English and North-American Section, Dept. of Modern Languages, Cultures and Literatures (2007-08) and the Erasmus Programme (2000-07). She is a member of international and national research associations and networks (ARUS, USS, BAVS, Guild of St George, APEAA). She has published extensively within the framework of Cultural Studies, Utopian Studies, Victorian Studies and Neo-Victorianism, Ruskin Studies, Intercultural Studies, Translation Studies and Food Studies. Her publications include “Alternate World Building: Retrofuturism and Retrophilia in Steampunk and Dieselpunk Narratives” (Anglo Saxonica, No. 17, 2020), “R. F. Burton Revisited: Alternate History, Steampunk and the Neo-Victorian Imagination” (Open Cultural Studies, Vol. 1. Special issue Victorians Like Us—Domesticity and Worldliness, 2017), Performing Identities and Utopias of Belonging (co-edited, Newcastle upon Tyne: CSP, 2013) and Matrizes Culturais: Notas para um Estudo da Era Vitoriana (Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2014). Her doctoral thesis on John Ruskin’s social and political thought was published by the Gulbenkian Foundation in 2002. Her research interests cover 19th to 21st century culture and include speculative fiction, retrofuturism, identity, gender, visual and cross-cultural issues.
Ramos, Iolanda (2017). “R. F. Burton Revisited: Alternate History, Steampunk and the Neo-Victorian Imagination”. Open Cultural Studies. Vol. 1. Special issue Victorians Like Us—Domesticity and Worldliness. Ed. Ana Cristina Mendes and Iolanda Ramos. De Gruyter Open. 591-603. ISSN (Online) 2451-3474.
Mendes, Ana Cristina and Iolanda Ramos, eds. (2017). “Introduction: Victorians Like Us—Domesticity and Worldliness”. Open Cultural Studies. Vol. 1. Special issue Victorians Like Us—Domesticity and Worldliness. De Gruyter Open. 571-575. ISSN (Online) 2451-3474.
Ramos, Iolanda (2017). “Interacções Pragmáticas: Interculturalidade, Identidade(s) e Globalização”.Viagens Intemporais pelo Saber: Mapas, Redes e Histórias. Coord. Catarina Monteiro, Clara Sarmento e Gisela Hasparyk. Porto: Edição CEI, pp. 136-158.
Ramos, Iolanda (2017). “Food for Thought: Nurture and Nature in The Giver”. Cadernos de Literatura Comparada, nº36, Junho, pp. 139-151.
Ramos, Iolanda (2016). “Exploring the Realms of Utopia: Science Fiction and Adventure in A Red Sun Also Rises and The Giver”. Utopia(s): Worlds and Frontiers of the Imaginary. Ed. Maria do Rosário Monteiro and Mário S. Ming Kong. London: CRC Press, pp. 387-391.
Almeida, Maria Clotilde, Luís Cavaco-Cruz e Iolanda Ramos, eds. (2016). Tradução, Transcriação, Transculturalidade. Independence, MO: Arkonte Publishing.
Ramos, Iolanda (2016). “Steampunk”. E-Dicionário de Termos Literários (EDTL). Coord. Carlos Ceia. ISBN: 989-20-0088-9.
Ramos, Iolanda (2015). “Neovitorianismo”. E-Dicionário de Termos Literários (EDTL). Coord. Carlos Ceia. ISBN: 989-20-0088-9.
Ramos, Iolanda (2015). “A Not So Secret Garden: English Roses, Victorian Aestheticism and the Making of Social Identities”. Gaudium Sciendi: Revista Electrónica da Sociedade Científica da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, nº8, Julho, pp. 98-115.
Ramos, Iolanda (2014), Matrizes Culturais: Notas para Um Estudo da Era Vitoriana, Lisboa, Edições Colibri.
Botelho, Teresa / Iolanda Ramos, eds. (2013), Performing Identities and Utopias of Belonging, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ramos, Iolanda (2012), “A Global Family of Man: The Imperial Utopia of ‘White Negroes’”, in Sara Graça da Silva / Fátima Vieira / Jorge Bastos da Silva (eds.), (Dis)entangling Darwin: Cross-Disciplinary Reflections on the Man and His Legacy, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 118-133.
Ramos, Iolanda (2011), “A Visão Pré-Rafaelita: Uma Utopia Transcultural”, in Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro / Rui Oliveira Lopes (eds.), Arte e Sociedade: Actas das Conferências As Artes Visuais e as Outras Artes, Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa/CIEBA, pp. 276-287.
Ramos, Iolanda (2010 [2007]), “Museums for the People: A Signifying Practice of Order within a Community”, in Carmen Casaliggi / Paul March-Russell (eds.), Ruskin in Perspective: Contemporary Essays, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 115-131.
Ramos, Iolanda (2010), “Génese de Uma Ciência: O Legado Doutrinário Britânico e a Economia Política no Portugal Oitocentista”, Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, nr. 19, pp. 251-263.
Ramos, Iolanda (2006), “Utopia Re-Interpreted: An Interview with Vita Fortunati”, Spaces of Utopia: An Electronic Journal, nr. 2, pp. 1-14.
Ramos, Iolanda (2006), “Clues to Utopia in W. H. Mallock’s The New Republic”, Spaces of Utopia: An Electronic Journal, nr. 2, pp. 28-41.
Ramos, Iolanda (2003), “‘Tell me what you like, and I’ll tell you what you are’ – An Overview of the Victorian Political Economy of Art”, in Annie Escuret / Fátima Vieira (eds.), Cahiers Victoriens et Édouardiens: Miscellany / The Great Exhibition Conference, nr. 57, pp. 211-222.
Ramos, Iolanda (2002), O Poder do Pó: O Pensamento Social e Político de John Ruskin (1819-1900), Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.