Gonçalo Piolti Cholant

Gonçalo Cholant holds a PhD in Modern Languages: Culture and Literature by the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Coimbra (FLUC) (2019), an MA (2012) in Feminist Studies (FLUC), Portugal, and a BA (2008) in English Language and Literature by the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Brazil. He currently holds the position of Guest Assistant Professor at the Anglo-American section in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Culture at FLUC, teaching courses in the Anglo-American strand of the Modern Languages BA, as well as seminars in the Feminist Studies Ph.D. program, and the Modern Languages Ph.D. program.


ORCID nº 0000-0002-2860-8830

Main fields of activity/Areas of interest:
His research interests are African-American Literature, Caribbean Literature, Autobiography, Women’s Writing, Feminist Studies, Representations of Violence, and Trauma.

Recent publications include:

Cholant, Gonçalo. Taking Refuge from Violence: Reconfigurations of the Bildungsroman in Kincaid, Danticat, hooks, and Morrison (Forthcoming). Germany: DE GRUYTER PUBLISHING. 2022. Under revision
Isabel Caldeira; Maria José Canelo; Gonçalo Cholant. Reinventar o social: movimentos e narrativas de resistência nas Américas. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. 2021. Published • 10.14195/978-989-26-2126-5 • Editor

Book chapters:

Cholant, Gonçalo. “”Autobiography, Fiction, and Racial Hatred: Representation in Jamaica Kincaid’s See Now Then””. In Human Rights in the Americas (InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict), edited by Edited By María Herrera-Sobek, Francisco Lomelí, Luz Angélica Kirschner, 132. New York, United States: Routledge, 2021. Published
Cholant, Gonçalo. “Perspectives on Black Lives Matter: Ta-Nehisi Coates and Wesley Lowery.”. In Everything is a Story: Creative Interactions in Anglo-American Studies., 175-183. V. N. Famalicão, Portugal: Húmus, 2019.
Cholant, Gonçalo. “Sexual Difference, Race and Power: The Autobiography of Black Women Writers”. In Discourses That Matter: Selected Essays on English and American Studies.. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. Published
Cholant, Gonçalo. “O Diário do Último ano de Florbela Espanca e a escrita feminina: a feminina desmemória.”. In Florbela Espanca O Espólio de um Mito. Portugal: Edições Colibri, 2012. Published

Journal articles:

Cholant, Gonçalo. “Realities Of (In)Equality: Edwidge Danticat?s Untwine And Angie Thomas? The Hate U Give.”.  Cit. REVISTA DE ESTUDOS ANGLO-AMERICANOS, v. 2ª série, p. 93, 2018.(2018): Open access • Published
Cholant, Gonçalo. “Ta-Nehisi Coates and the Insecurity of the Black Body.”. OFICINA DO CES440 (2018): https://ces.uc.pt/en/publicacoes/outras-publicacoes-e-colecoes/oficina-do-ces/numeros/oficina-440. Open access • Published
Cholant, Gonçalo. “As “Borderlands” de Frida Kahlo: hibridismo e a fronteira Norte/Sul.”. REVISTA CABO DOS TRABALHOS,Nº 13 (2016):Published
Cholant, Gonçalo. “Americanity and Resistance in A Mercy, by Toni Morrison.”.  Cit. Revista De Estudos Anglo-Americanos A Journal Of Anglo-American Studies5 (2016):Open access • Published
Cholant, Gonçalo. “Recensão de Toni Morrison. A nossa casa é onde está o coração. Tradução de Manuela Madureira.”.  Cit. A Journal of Anglo American Studies4 (2015):Open access • Published
Cholant, Gonçalo. “A Representação da Violência e do Trauma em Morrison e Angelou”. Cabo dos Trabalhos10 (2014):Open access • Published
Cholant, Gonçalo. “Review of Angela Davis, The Meaning Of Freedom: And Other Difficult Dialogues.”.  Cit.: A JOURNAL OF ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES / REVISTA DE ESTUDOS ANGLO-AMERICANOS3 (2014): Open access • Published

Thesis / Dissertation

Cholant, Gonçalo. “Since Why is Difficult: The Representation of Violence and Trauma in African-American and Afro-Caribbean Literature by Women: Autobiography, Fiction, and Subjectivity in the Bildungsroman”. PhD, Universidade de Coimbra, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/87533.
Cholant, Gonçalo. “Imagined Pasts – Autobiografia e Ficção em I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings de Maya Angelou”. Master, Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, 2012.

Oral Presentations:


Presentation title

Event name
Host (Event location)


“Homeland Insecurity” Uma Casa Racial Chamada América

Curso Livre O Património e a Palavra
Casa da Infância Doutor Elysio de Moura (Coimbra, Portugal)


A representação da diáspora Africana nos Estados Unidos e no Caribe através da Literatura

Curso Livre O Património e a Palavra
Casa da Infância Doutor Elysio de Moura (Coimbra, Portugal)


‘And you are not the guy and still you fit the description because there is only one guy who is always the guy fitting the description” – Literature as a Response to Racist Violence: The Cases of Ta-Nehisi Coates and Claudia Rankine”

V Biennual Conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies – Reinventing the Social: Movements and Narratives of Resistance, Dissension, and Reconciliation in the Americas (Coimbra/Portugal, 2018)

Inter-American Studies Association (Coimbra, Portugal)


Perspectives on Black Lives Matter: Ta-Nehisi Coates and Wesley Lowery

39th Conference of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies -APEAA – Universidade de Évora


American Girlhood – O Crescer pós colonial em Jamaica Kincaid e Edwidge Danticat

Gender Workshop
Centro de Estudos Sociais CES (Coimbra, Portugal)


From Intersectionality to an Ecology of Knowledges

10th GSNAS Conference
JFK Institute for American Studies (Berlin, Germany)


Naming and Race in Edwidge Danticat’s Untwine

Representations of Home 2
University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES) (Lisboa, Portugal)


Ta-Nehisi Coates and the Insecurity of the black body

38th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies
Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal)


Americanity and Resistance in A Mercy, by Toni Morrison

37th APEAA Conference
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)


Representation of Racial Hatred in Jamaica Kincaid’s See Now Then

Fourth Biennial Conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies Human Rights in the Americas
University of California Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, United States)


Homeland (in)security: African Americans in a ‘racial ‘ house called America

Conferência Internacional Home lands and the borders of America
Centro de Estudo Comparatistas Universidade de Lisboa (lisboa, Portugal)


The Experience of Children’s Trauma in African-Americans and Caribbean Literature by Women: Autobiography, Fiction, and Subjectivity in the Bildungsroman

Ciência 2016 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal
Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal – Apoio FCT (lisboa, Portugal)


Intersectionality and the Ecology of Knowledge

V Colóquio Internacional de Doutorandos/as do CES, Poderes Emergentes, Continuidades e Transformações
Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)


The Experience of Children’s Trauma in African-American and Caribbean Literature by Women: Autobiography, Fiction, and Subjectivity in the Bildungsroman

International Socare Junior Research Conference
Society of Caribbean Research (Socare) Center for Interamerican Studies (CIAS) (Bielefeld, Germany)


Frida Kahlo Borderlands: Hybridism and North/South Borders

III Student Conference on Inter-American Studies
Faculty of Arts, Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia)


Memory and Space: The Presence of Violence and Trauma in Home by Toni Morrison

2nd International Graduate Conference in English and American Studies
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)


A Representação da Violência e do Trauma em Morrison e Angelou

IV Colóquio dos Doutorandos
Centro de Estudos Sociais / Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)


A Representação da Violência e do Trauma em Morrison e Angelou

IV Colóquio dos Doutorandos
Centro de Estudos Sociais / Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)


O Diário de Frida Kahlo: Representações do Eu e a expurgação do trauma no Regime Noturno

“Estudos Feministas: o Futuro do Passado”. Colóquio de Pós-graduação
Universidade de Coimbra FLUC (Coimbra, Portugal)


Sexual Difference, Race and Power: The Autobiography of Black Women Writers

1st International Graduate Conference in English and American Studies
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)


O Diário do Último ano de Florbela Espanca e a escrita feminina: a feminina desmemória

Colóquio Internacional em Homenagem a Florbela Espanca, Florbela Espanca. O Espólio de um Mito
Universidade de Évora (Vila Viçosa, Portugal)


AD HOC Journal Article Rreview


Journal title (ISSN)


2022/03/01 – 2022/03/31

e-cadernos CES (1647-0737)

Center for Social Studies – CES – Universidade de Coimbra

2022/02/01 – 2022/02/28

ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies (E-ISSN 2531-1654)

Department of English at the University of Valladolid


Conference Scientific Committee


Conference name

Conference host

2022/03/31 – 2022/04/02

APEAA 2022 Meeting

University of Coimbra




Best Article
International Inter-American Studies Association, Germany


Student Travel Grant – Center for InterAmerican Studies Summer School
International Inter-American Studies Association, Germany