Gabriela Gândara Terenas

Gabriela Gândara Terenas is a Full Professor, the Executive Coordinator of the Department of Modern Languages, Cultures and Literatures at NOVA FCSH and the co-coordinator of the PhD Course in Modern Literatures and Cultures. She has taught several first-degree courses, postgraduate, masters and PhD seminars, in a number of areas, including Anglo-Portuguese Cultural and Literary Studies, Cultural Theory, Translation Studies, History of Britain, English Literature and Culture and American Literature and Culture. She has supervised several masters and doctoral theses in Anglo-Portuguese Studies, Translation and English and American Studies. Her special area of interest and specialisation is Anglo-Portuguese Studies, a field in which she achieved her PhD with a thesis entitled Speculative Diagnoses: Images of Britain in the Portuguese Press in the Second Half of the 19th Century (1865-1890), 3 volumes (2004). She is the Editor of the Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies (JAPS) a specialised periodical, indexed by SCOPUS, and published annually both on paper and electronically. Within this area of studies, she has recently launched a research project entitled “Cross-Cultural Anglo-Portuguese Discourses and the Press”  with its own data basis: [link] The principal aim of the project is to carry out a critical analysis of the discourses of the twentieth-century Portuguese and British press to assess how far the confrontation of different narratives and portrayal strategies can contribute towards the study of intercultural relations between the two countries as well as assisting  in (de)constructing the many cultural images which have played a role in  changing and hierarchising the two cultures.

She is a member of the Board of the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) and of a number of international academic associations. She is the leader of the Anglophone Cultures and History Area and the convenor of the research strand Culture, Science and the Media which studies the relationship between Science and Culture and its representation in different media in the Anglophone world. Within the scope of this strand, she has organised several series of public lectures and colloquia, two volumes – Literature and Science: Multidisciplinary Dialogues (2021) and Science and Culture. Fictionalisations of Science in Britain (19th and 20th centuries) (2012) – and published a considerable number of articles on the subject. A third volume, entitled Over the Moon: Representations of the Moon in Literature, Science and the Arts will be published in 2024. Within this strand, in 2020 she launched the research project “Bridges between Fictional Narratives and Science (21st century)” (BFS21) with its own data basis:

Gabriela Gândara Terenas has coordinated and collaborated in several other national and international research projects. Amongst the most recent and important ones, the following two are worthy of mention: “Proyecciones culturales europeas de un conflicto español: Textos, imágenes y sonidos de la I Guerra Carlista (1833-1840) en el Reino Unido, Francia y Portugal: edición, estudio y transferencia” (EURICAR’20). Projecto ACB 25/08/2020. Evaluation: Excellent. Funding: 60.000 Euros/ GR-2014-0001: Programa de Apoyo y Promoción de la Investigación 2021: (ongoing since March 2020); Poesia y Trienio: Textos Poeticos Ingleses, Alemanes, Italianos y Portugueses sobre la Revolucion Liberal Española (1820-1823). Edicion, Traduccion y Estudio (Poetry 15) / Projecto FFI2015-68421-P. Founding: 34.300 Euros. Ministério da Economia y Competividad. Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia/Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación ( (March 2016-December 2018).

She has taken part in many Conferences both at home and abroad, including several in Spain, Britain, France, Germany and Brazil, in which she presented papers in the areas of Comparative Studies, Imagology, Cultural and Travel Journalism, Translation Studies, the links between Literature, Science and the Visual Arts and, most particularly, Anglo-Portuguese Relations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

She has published more than eighty studies within these different areas. Amongst the most recent ones, the following books, chapters of books and articles are worthy of mention: “Contadles a los Españoles”: Poesía Portuguesa del Trienio Liberal. Estudio crítico y corpus bilingüe anotado. (Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, 2019) DOI: ISBN: 978-84-1311-161-2 (co-author); “Politics or Tourism? The Visit of a Party of British Journalists to Portugal at the Time of the First Republic”. 650th Anniversary of Anglo-Portuguese Alliance: Tacking Stock of the Past and Envisioning the Future. E-book. Coord. Alexandra M. Rodrigues Araújo, José Sérgio Ribeiro, Marco Carvalho Gonçalves and Mário Ferreira Monte (Coimbra: Gestlegal, December 2023, 481-507. ISBN: E-book: 978-989-9136-42-7 URL:  DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/05749/2020; “Mobilidade(s) Anglo-Lusa(s) nos Romances de Guerra: (Re)Configurações de Identidade(s) e Alteridade(s)”. Imagologia e Mobilidade. Movidas e Migrações Figuradas. Coord. Maria João Simões (Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2023, 29-57) ISBN: 978-989-26-2377-1 DOI: 14195/978-989-26-2378-8-1 E-Book: Novembro de 2022, 30-57 DOI:; “Paratexts as Mediators of Translations: The Case of the Preface to a Portuguese Version of Robinson Crusoe (1940)”. Diacrítica Journal. Revista do Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho, vol. 37, nº3, [December] 2023, X-XX (indexed by SCOPUS) URL:; “Travel Journalism and Anglo-Portuguese Relations during the Second Decade of the 20th Century (1913)”. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses/Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, nº32, [December] 2023, 211-231 (indexed by SCOPUS) ISSN: 0871-6820 URL:  DOI:; “Remarkable Creatures: Fictionalising the Role of Women in the Advancement of Early-Nineteenth-Century Science”. Gaudium Sciendi. Revista Electrónica da Sociedade Científica da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, nº22, March 2023, 413-431. ISSN: 2182-7605 URL:; “‘Lysia y Iberia Libertadas’: Britain and Portrayals of the Liberal Triennium in Portuguese Poetry (1820-1823)”. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses/ Journal of Anglo Portuguese Studies, nº31 [December] 2022, 211-231 (indexed by SCOPUS) ISSN: 0871-6820 URL:  DOI:;  “Republican Propaganda in Britain: Progressive Portugal or Domestication of the Other?”. Mátria XXI. Revista do Centro de Investigação Prof. Doutor Veríssimo Serrão, nº 11, May 2022, 271-286 ISBN: 2182-6544; “Through Portugal: From a British Traveller’s Deconstruction of the Spanish Image of Portugal to the Promotion of the Country as a Tourist Destination”. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses/Journal of Anglo- Portuguese Studies, nº30, [December] 2021, 155-169 (indexed by SCOPUS) ISSN: 0871-682X URL: DOI:; “Representations of the Peninsular War in Portuguese and British Historical Novels: Contrasting Views”. Journal of Romance Studies (Liverpool University Press), Issue 21(1), March 2021, 117-142 (Indexed by Web of Science) DOI: URL: ISSN:1473-3536 (print) 1752-2331 (web);  “Never a Saint : D. Carlota Joaquina e as Lutas Liberais num Romance Histórico Britânico”. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses/Journal of Anglo Portuguese Studies, nº29 [December] 2020, 129-144 ISSN: 0871-682X URL: DOI: https.//; “‘Another Masterly Retreat’: A Retirada do Exército de Masséna em Narrativas Portuguesas e Britânicas da Guerra Peninsular”. Mátria XXI. Revista do Centro de Investigação Prof. Doutor Veríssimo Serrão, nº 9, September 2020, 353-376. ISSN: 2183-1467; “‘From Britannic Heroes to the Glorious Alliance’: (Re)Configurations of the British in Portuguese Peninsular War Poetry (1808-1814)”. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses/Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, nº28, [December] 2019, 77-109. ISSN: 0871-682X URL: DOI: https.//; and “Da Alteridade e da Identidade: O Caso dos Estudos Anglo-Portugueses”. Revista FronteiraZ (São Paulo: PUCSP) nº21, December 2018, 38-53 (Indexed by Latindex, DOAJ e DIALNET) ISSN: 1983-4373. Doi: 10.23925/1983-4373.2018i21p38-53).

In 2014, she won the Professor Veríssimo Serrão Research Centre Prize with the paper “‘Quem Fala Verdade ao Poder?’ Os Intelectuais Anglófonos e a Política Colonial Portuguesa”.