Fátima Vieira

Fátima Vieira is Associate Professor (with “Agregação”) at the Faculty of Letters at the University of Porto, where she has been teaching since 1986. She has got her Doctoral degree in 1998, with a thesis on William Morris and the British Utopian Literary tradition. She is the Chairperson of the Utopian Studies Society / Europe since 2006.

She is the Coordinator of the University of Porto’s branch of CETAPS – Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies, where she is the leader of the research project “Mapping Dreams: British and North-American Utopianism”. She has also collaborated with ILC – The Institute for Comparative Literature Margarida Losa since 2000, where she has coordinated research projects on Portuguese utopianism.

Fátima Vieira is also the director of the collection Nova Biblioteca das Utopias, of the Portuguese publishing house Afrontamento, and the General director of E-topia, an electronic journal on Portuguese utopianism, as well as of Spaces of Utopia, a transdisciplinary electronic journal on Utopia written in English. She is Book Review Editor for the North-American Journal Utopian Studiesand belongs to the Editorial board of several international academic journals.

At the University, she has mainly taught Utopian Studies, Cultural Studies and Translations Studies, both to undergraduate and post-graduate students. She has also taught and supervised students of the TEEME Doctoral Programme (Text and Event in Early Modern Europe, the 1st ERASMUS MUNDUS Doctoral Programme in the field of the Humanities), as well as of several SOCRATES Intensive Programmes (in Italy, Portugal and the Czech Republic). She is the Coordinator of ARUS Post-Doctoral Programme at the University of Porto (Advanced Research in Utopian Studies), as well as of the Multidisciplinary ARUS Seminars.

As a researcher of CETAPS, she has translated The Tempest (2001) and As you like it (2007) for the publishing house Campo das Letras, and is now preparing a translation of Julius Caesar for Relógio D’Água publishing house. As a freelance translator, she has translated several works by John Irving and John Updike. She has given many lectures in Portugal and abroad, organized several conferences and published widely in her main fields of research.

In the past, she coordinated large-scale projects, such as the Junior University and Eurotopia 2100: An Interactive Project. She is currently the coordinator of PAN-Utopia 2100, as well of Utopia 500: Commemorative Programme of the 500 years of the publication of Thomas More’s Utopia.

From 2012 to 2014, she held a seat at the General Board of the University of Porto, and has belonged to several Academic Boards since she got her PhD, in 1998.

In 2008, the project STEPS-UP: Support for Teaching English in Primary Schools – University of Porto (pedagogical coordination: Maria Ellison; administrative coordination: Fátima Vieira), won the European Language Label; in 2012, it was nominated by the European Commission as the “Best Language Project for the Ten Past Years”.

In 2013, the American and Canadian association Society for Utopian Studies selected Fátima Vieira as a recipient of the Larry E. Hough Distinguished Service Award.

Among Fátima Vieira’s most important publications on utopia are the chapters she wrote to:

  • The Cambridge Companion to Utopian Literature. Gregory Claeys, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010;
  • the Histoire Transnationale de La Pensée Utopique et de l’Utopisme. Vita Fortunati and Raymond Trousson, eds. Paola Spinozzi, col. Paris : Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2008;
  • the Spanish Journal Utopia and Utopianism. Alex Alex-Alban Gómez Coutouly, ed. Madrid: The University Book, 2007;
  • the Brazilian journal Morus: Utopia e Renascimento. Eduardo Berriel, ed. Campinas, Brazil: Unicamp, 2004 and 2011.

She has also edited several volumes in the field of utopian studies:

  • Dystopia Matters: On the page, on screen, on Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2013;
  • with Jorge Bastos da Silva, Utopia e Espiritualidade. Cadernos de Literatura Comparada 19 (2008). Porto: Afrontamento;
  • Saberes Partilhados: O Lugar da Utopia na Cultura Portuguesa. Famalicão: Quasi, 2006;
  • with Marinela Freitas, Utopia Matters: Theory, Politics, Literature and the Arts. Porto: Editora UP, 2005;
  • with Maria Teresa Castilho, Estilhaços de Sonho: Espaços de Utopia. Famalicão: Quasi coleção Biblioteca das Utopias, 2004.

and prepared annotated editions of utopian texts:

  • Sebastião José Ribeiro da Sá, O que há-de Ser o Mundo no Ano Três Mil, Introdução, edição de texto e notas por Fátima Vieira. Famalicão: Quasi, 2006.