Célia Branco
Célia Maria de Jesus Branco, b. 1962, holds a degree in Modern Languages and Literatures, English/German from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon (1984). She completed the Teacher Professional Training at the Centro Integrado de Formação de Professores, at the University of Évora (1991). She also completed the course “Language Improvement and Methodology” at the International Language Academy, Cambridge, England with a grant of the European Commission under the Language Scholarship Program (1995). She holds a master degree in Languages, Literatures and Cultures, English and North-American Studies obtained at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon (2009). In addition she is a trainer in the Didactics of English in both initial teacher training and continuing professional development and she has been a high school teacher since 1984. Since 2010 she is a collaborator of CETAPS.
Areas of interest and fields of research: travel writing, imagology, otherness and velocity related to the representation of reality; currently studying the importance of the choice of available means of transport in representations of Portugal found in British travel writing plus the influence of the pace at which journeys unfolded, as well as the means of transport used, in building travellers’ depictions.
Recent publications include:
MSc Thesis:
Branco, Célia. “A Demanda Identitária em William Butler Yeats e Teixeira de Pascoaes.” Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses 20 (2011). Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of University of Lisbon.
Other publications:
Branco, Célia. “Antes e Depois das Estradas de Ferro: Ritmos do Olhar Britânico em Viagem por Portudal – do Final de Setecentos ao Início do Século XX.” Prof. Dr. Maria Zulmira Castanheira, supervisor. Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon (2009).
Branco, Célia. Utopia e distopia em A Jangada de Pedra de José Saramago.https://www.academia.edu/14040872/Utopia_e_Distopia_em_A_Jangada_de_Pedra_de_Jos%C3%A9_Saramago