Carolyn E. Leslie
Carolyn has taught English to young learners, teenagers and adults in Portugal for more than 25 years. She currently works as an Assistant Professor at FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, where she teaches and supervises students on the MA in Teaching English in the First cycle of Basic Education. She also coordinates this MA. In addition she teaches and supervises students on the MA in Teaching English in the Third cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education and on the online MA in English Didactics in collaboration with Universidade Aberta. She is a member of CETAPS and is Secretary for the Early Language Learning Research Association (ELLRA). She has an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL and a Ph.D in Didactics. She is interested in the areas of peer oral interaction and learning opportunities, engagement with language, the use of task based learning, language learning in young learners and the role of affect in language learning.
Ciência ID: 0614-A812-044D
Recent publications include:
Leslie, C. (2023). Youtube video observation in initial teacher education. Estreiadialogos, 8 (1/2), 25-36.
Leslie, C. (Forthcoming). Comparing primary and lower secondary EFL learners’ oral collaboration.In D. Karoulla-Vrikki, & L. Lopriore, L. (Eds.), Oracy acquisition and development in early second language learning: Voices from diverse international contexts. Multilingual Matters.
Leslie, C. (2022). Engagement during peer interaction in the primary English classroom. In I. Papadopoulos (Ed.), International current trends in applied linguistics and pedagogy (pp.X). Nova Science Publishers.
Leslie, C. (2021). Interaction patterns and support for language learning in the primary foreign language classroom. Porta Linguarum,36, 65-82.
Leslie, C. (2021). Peer interaction: Beliefs of primary English learners and implications for the classroom. Humanising Language Teaching Journal 23(2), 1-10.
Leslie, C. (2017). Learning opportunities in peer interaction and the influence of the social context. Linguarum Arena ,8, 13-32.
Leslie, C. (2017). Group cohesion and learning opportunities in peer interaction. Porta Linguarum, Monograph 2, 245-265. DOI: 10.30827/Digibug.54149
Leslie, C.E. (2016). Humour in peer interaction in the L2 classroom. eTEALS: An e-journal of Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies, 6, (1), 51-67.
Leslie, C.E. (2016). Lexical chunks. APPInep Newsletter, 6, 1-2. Retrieved from
Leslie, C.E. (2014). The role of speaking in task based learning. In A. Chenoll, B. Sieberg, M. Franco & M. Lindemann (Eds.), FALAR: a competência oral no ensino de uma língua estrangeira = Speaking: teaching oral communication skills in foreign languages, (69-83). Retrieved from
Leslie, C.E. (2014). Effective Interaction in the language classroom. InEnglish digital, 8. Retrieved from
Leslie, C.E. (2012). Attitudes towards English in Portugal. eTEALS: An e-journal of Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies, 3. Retrieved from
Leslie, C.E. (2012). Metaphor, narrative and reality in the life sciences. Via Panorâmica: Revista Electrónica de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, número especial “Em Defesa da Utopia – II”. Retrieved from
Leslie, C.E. (2012). William Morris. Via Panorâmica: Revista Electrónica de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, número especial “Em Defesa da Utopia – II”. Retrieved from
Leslie, C.E. (2010). Technology and language learning: Wikis and webquests. eTEALS: An e-journal of Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies, 1. Retrieved from
Moreira, M. A., Mourão, S., Leslie, C., & Monteiro, E. (2021). Avaliação das Aprendizagens de Inglês no 1ºCEB: Um estudo em Portugal Continental. Lisboa: CETAPS, NOVA FCSH: ISBN: 978-972-99724-7-8
Mourão, S., & Leslie, C. (Eds.). Researching educational practices, teacher education and professional development for early language learning and multiculturalism in Europe. Routledge. ISBN 9781032266022
Mourão, S., Leslie, C., Moreira, M., & Monteiro, E. (2022). Battling against a traditional assessment culture: The case of early English learning in Portugal. In C Bongartz & J. Rymarczyk (Eds.), Current research into young FL and EAL learners’ literacy skills (pp.141-164). Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-631-81711-7
Mourão, S., Leslie, C., Moreira, M.A., & Monteiro, E. (forthcoming). From (mis)perceptions to (mis)practices: The assessment of oral skills in primary English education in Portugal. In D. Karoulla-Vrikki, & L. Lopriore, L. (Eds.), Oracy acquisition and development in early second language learning: Voices from diverse international contexts. Multilingual Matters
Oliveira A.D., & Leslie, C. (2021). Effects of conversational strategy use on young learners’ oral interaction. Estreiadiálogos, 6, 1(1-2), 53-73. ISSN 2183-8402.
Vieira, F., Mourão, S., Andrade, A.I., Cruz, M., Leslie, C, Orega, M.I., Pinho, A.S., Jorge, J., Silva, E., Simões, A.R. (2021). Mapeando abordagens da formação inicial de professores de inglês no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico em Portugal. Cadernos do LabELing – Série Temas, número 1. UA Editora.
Vieira, F., Mourão, S., Andrade, A., Cruz, M., Jorge, J., Leslie, C., Orega, M., Pinho, A. A., Silva, E., & Simões, A. R. (2022). Primary English teacher education in Portugal: An exploratory study. Advance online publication. European Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2022.2132384