J. Carlos Teixeira (https://www.cienciavitae.pt/pt/7D1D-8387-6DE2) holds a PhD in Literary Studies at the Universidade do Porto/Freie Universität Berlin, with a thesis entitled “Poética da Tensão na poesia lírica do Minnesang: Edição, Tradução e Estudo”, which was funded by the “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)” with a PhD Scholarship. His main fields of research include German Literature, Medieval Poetry, Textual Criticism and Theory of Translation. He has participated in several conferences and has published various articles and book chapters on these themes. Prior to his PhD, he received an MA Degree in German Medieval Literature (Universidade do Porto/Universität Bremen) and a bachelor’s degree in English and German Studies (Universidade do Porto). He is currently a member of CETAPS (as a Collaborator Member of the “Translationality” research strand) and CITCEM – Centro de Investigação Cultura Espaço & Memória (as an Integrated Researcher of the “Glocal Representations” research strand).