Newsletter último número
Jul 2020
Issue 35. October 2020
Call for applications: Bolsa de Doutoramento ET – CEAUL / FLUL (Estudos de Tradução). 1 (one) position of Doctoral Candidate (Ph.D. fellow) in Translation Studies at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies. You may see the English version of the call here. Deadline: 14 October 2020.
Conference: 17-19 June 2021. 10th International Conference AIETI 2021: Transtextual and cultural navigation, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2020.
Conference: 24-25 June 2021 (reopened call) International Conference, Picturebooks and graphic narratives in education and translation: Mediation and multimodality. CETAPS – FCSH, Lisbon. Deadline for proposals: 30 November 2020. Proposal submission to the conference email:
Workshop 2: 28 June 2021. Indirect translation in translation practicum: 101 course for translator trainer. Convenors: Hanna Pieta (University of Lisbon), Rita Bueno (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) & Ester Torres-Simon (Universitat Rovira i Virgili). Online registration opens on 15 January 2021.
International Conference: The 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon. Rescheduled to 3-5 November 2020
International Conference: Language rights and the role of translation/interpreting in migration issues at International Conference Humanity On The Move,
Universidade do Minho, Braga. Rescheduled to 28-30 April 2021
International Conference: 1st International Audiovisual Translation Conference (APTRD/ISCAP). Rescheduled to 24-25 June 2021.
New Book: Isabel Araújo Branco (2020), Tradução e edição de obras hispano-americanas em Portugal, Peter Lang.
Conference: 30 June- 2 July 2021. Transius Conference on Legal and Institutional Translation. University of Geneva, Switzerland. Deadline for abstracts: 30 October 2020
Conference: 26- 28 August 2021. The complexity of social-cultural emergence. Biosemiotics, Semiotics and Translation Studies. Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 2020
Conference: 24- 25 June 2021. PaCor 2021 – Parallel Corpora: Creation and Applications. Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Extended deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2021
Conference: 5-7 July 2021. New Trends in Translation and Technology (NeTTT). Rhodes Island, Greece. Deadline for abstracts: 22 January 2021
Conference: 28-30 June 2021. ICTIC3, 3rd International Conference on Translation, Interpreting & Cognition. Forlì, Italy. Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2021
Conference: 7 April 2021. Intralingual Translation: Language, Text and beyond. International workshop on intralingual translation. Universities of Tel Aviv and Bar-Ilan, Israel. Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2021
Conference: 16-17 September 2021. 2nd UMAQ Conference on Understanding Quality in Media Accessibility and Audiovisual Translation. University of Vigo, Spain. Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2021
Conference: 19-20 November 2021. APTIS 2020 Evolving Profiles: The Future of Translation and Interpreting Training. DCU, Dublin, Ireland. Deadline for abstracts: 22 April 2021
Conference: 2-4 September 2021. The Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning. Winterthur, Switzerland. Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2021
Conference: 2-4 December 2021. 22nd FIT World Congress – A World without Barriers: The Role of Language Professionals in Building Culture, Understanding and Lasting Peace. Varadero, Cuba. Deadline for proposals: 30 April 2021
Conference: 10 September 2021. Specialist Languages: Practice and Theory IV, University of Rzeszów, Poland. Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2021
Conference: 30 September – 3 October 2021. Third World Interpreter and Translator Training Association Congress: Translation in Education and Education in Translation. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2021
Book Chapter: The Human Translator in the 2020s. Deadline for proposals: 31 October 2020.
Book Chapter: Translaboration in Analogue and Digital Practice: Labour, Power, Ethics. Deadline for proposals: 15 December 2020.
Journal: Special issue of The Translator, Translating Hazards. Deadline for abstracts: 30 October 2020.
Journal: TransLinguaTech, general issue, Vol. 2, 2021. Deadline: 5 November 2020.
Journal: Special issue of Parallèles (2022). Women Translators of Religious Texts. Deadline for submission: 15 November 2020
Journal: >Critic, non-thematic issue, Vol. 2, 2021. Deadline for submissions: 15 November 2020
Journal : Special section of Estudios de Traducción. Translation and Comics / La traducción el cómic. Deadline for submission: 30 November 2020.
Journal: Thematic Section for Translation, Cognition & Behavior 4(2), Fall 2021, Consolidating experimental research in audiovisual translation. Deadline for submission: 30 November 2020.
Journal: Historiography and translation, Special issue of World Literature Studies, Vol. 3, 2021. Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2020
Journal: Translation Studies, special issue on Translation and Performance Cultures: Agents and Networks, Vol. 13(3), 2022. Deadline for submission: 21 December 2020.
Journal: Legal translation and interpreting in a technologized world. Special issue of La Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law. Deadline for abstracts: 1 January 2021.
Translation in Transition. Kent State University, Kent OH, USA. 15-17 October 2020.
3rd ID-TS Graduate Event for Doctoral Students: (Hi)strories of Transaltion and Translators: Past, Present and Future, Boğaziçi Univeristy, Turkey. Online, 12-12 November 2020.
AUSIT National Conference – Business as Unusual. Online 20-21 November 2020
Professional Terminologies of Gastronomy and Oenology: Arts of the Table – Cultural and Cultural Dimensions. : Limoges, France. 24-26 November 2020.
56th Linguistic Colloquium, Translation, multilinguality and cognition. Online, 26-28 November 2020.
4th International Conference on Economic, Commercial, Financial and Institutional Translation. French University of Egypt, El Shorouk City, Egypt. 7-8 December 2020.
5th International Edition Translation Symposium Audiovisual Translation and Computer-Mediated Communication: Fostering Access to Digital Mediascapes. University of Palermo, Italy. 20-21 May 2021
Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature. Cordoba, Spain. 10-11 June 2021.
Im/Politiness and iMean – Pragmatics of Translation. University of Basel, Switzerland. 24-26 June 2021.
IATIS 7th International Conference, The Cultural Ecology of Translation. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 29 June – 2 July 2021
Fifth International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 8-10 July 2021.
TIC Translation, Interpreting, Culture 2: Rehumanising Translation Studies Conference. Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. 22-24 September 2021.
Íkala, Vol. 25(3), 2020.
Special issue on Translaboration: Exploring Collaboration in Translation and Translation in Collaboration. Vol. 32(2), 2020.
Corre, Eric, Danh Thành Do-Hurinville and Huy Linh Dao (eds). 2020. The Expression of Tense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality in Albert Camus’s L’Étranger and Its Translations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Gerber, Leah and Lintao Qi (eds). 2020. A Century of Chinese Literature in Translation (1919 – 2019): English Publication and Reception. London: Routledge.
Barceló Martínez, Tanagua, Ívan Delgado Pugés and Pedro San Ginés Aguilar (eds). 2020. Introducción a la traducción jurídica y jurada (francés – español). 3rd Edition. Granada: Comares.
Webinar: English Writing for Translators (Collocation & Articles or Vocabulary Building & Punctuation) (and other translation and interpreting related webinars), Language Experts, Melbourne, Australia. On various days.
Webinar: Subtitling: A Practical Introduction – Workshop for Beginners, Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators, 10 October 2020.
Course: Fundamentos de economía y negocios para traductores e intérpretes, Woolf University. Registration deadline: 16 October 2020.
Job opportunity: Post-Doc Fellowship in Translation Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. Three-year contract. PhD degree not before 1 January 2017 or will be received by 31 August 2021. Contact:
Call for nominations: The Martha Cheung Award for Best English Article in Translation Studies by an Early Career Scholar. Deadline for applications: 31 October 2020.
Scholarship: PhD Studentship for BME Applicants in Humanities, University of Westminster, London, UK. Deadline for applications: 16 October 2020.
Research funding: AIIC annual grant of up to CHF 10,000 for research in the priority areas of: Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) / Distance Interpreting (DI); CAI tools, AI and Machine Interpreting; or The 21st century interpreter. Contact: AIIC Secretariat ( Deadline for applications: 15 November 2020.
If you would like to announce a translation-related initiative in this newsletter, contact